Rescued ducklings


5 Years
Jul 27, 2014
Lower Alabama


These two babies were found on a busy road near a dead duck and other ducklings. I'm a chicken person. I've never dealt with ducklings. Any help or advice is greatly welcome.

I got both drinking from the chick waterer I went and got but they are still iffy on the feeder. One is also very active while the other is very laid back and mellow. Is it ok? What kind are they? I think wood duck but not positive.
Contact your veterinarian or the state vet school; you should be able to find a wildlife rehab facility that takes waterfowl. Check with the DNR? Someone will have a contact for you. Migratory birds (wild ducks) are regulated and you may need a permit to have them at all. There will be help out there somewhere. Good luck! Mary
Contact your veterinarian or the state vet school; you should be able to find a wildlife rehab facility that takes waterfowl.  Check with the DNR?  Someone will have a contact for you.  Migratory birds (wild ducks) are regulated and you may need a permit to have them at all.  There will be help out there somewhere.  Good luck!  Mary

Thank you for the information. Sadly we lost the weaker one but the other seems full of life and has even started eating and drinking. I'll contact the rehab in the morning.

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