Rescued rooster with severe leg injury...

Chickens are amazingly resiliant aren't they? The injury looks terrible but I'll bet with a little TLC he'll be right as rain in a short time. You are so good hearted to rescue this handsome fellow. Happy New Year to both of you!
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Good job on the boy and good pics too. I`ve seen stuff like this with chickens marked with zip ties. Neglect is pitifull. I would hold off on the iodine unless you see any infection. Also, the spur trim might be easier on him if it has stopped bleeding for a few days. The potato method is recommended by a lot of folks. I haven`t done it. I have however gripped the spur with a plier and twisted it off. Use a quick twist and a little snap and it`s loose. The quick inside will harden in a few days to form another smaller spur. Also, cutting the spur with a Dremmel tool is good. In this case, cut the spur about 3/8ths to 1/2 inch from the leg. Common baking flour and a little pressure will stop any bleeding. The good part is that the cut off wheel on the Dremmel tends to cauterize the spur. When you set the boy down, he will act like nothing happened. When the wound stops bleeding and his swelling is looking better, get him out on the dirt so he can use that foot. That will do a lot more good than a cardboard boot. He should be fine as long as infection doesn`t take over. Good luck........Pop
Got all my supplies, was just getting ready to cut the scares me alot more than I thought! He really needs a bath too, but I was worried about getting his wound wet? But you're saying to soak his leg in an Epsom salt bath? Okay guess my honey will just have to grumble cuz I'm bringing him in the house for a good spa work over
.....wish me luck. haha

We've been calling him Big Boy...but my Buff Orphington rooster is named Big Bird...kinda afraid those names are too much the same. Like Maximus, but not sure.
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Yeah Lollipop...that's what I was leaning towards on the spur trim....maybe waiting until the wound is more stable, cause any bump makes it bleed. I'm not sure if that's swelling you're seeing on the picture, Kari, or not. I'm no expert but it looks like to me scar build-up from the string cutting into his leg and being left on so long.....but I trust your judgement more than mine, as this is my first experience with this.
I'd suggest doing a forum search on trimming spurs....should be a lot of good advice.
Just use the search box located under "Logout".

You are wonderful for taking in these birds. Poor guy, nasty wound, so needless.

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