Rescued Tyson chicken dies after 2 years


12 Years
Feb 18, 2007
North Georgia
Well, my highway rescue chicken has finally passed this morning. We found her over 2 years ago on the side of the road - she had fallen off a Tyson truck and had a broken leg. After mending her leg, she got extremely huge as I had to give up giving her small portions due to the other chickens. She would hobble around from food to water with a lie down break in between. It has been very hot and humid here, so I assume that must have had something to do with it. What was neat about her was she would lay double yoked eggs every single time! Anyone else ever found these chickens? I have had 3 - she was the only one that lived so long. One had a gangrene wing and had to be put down. Another - which was a friendly rooster, I found dead in the coop about a year later with his mouth stuffed with food!!
oh how sad. I'm surprised it lived that long. Most of those type of bird, If it was a meat bird, Don't live for very long. They are breed to get fat quick so they can butcher them asap. Having it that longs show you were a good chicken parent.
Sorry to hear about your loss .. But I must say she had a very long life for a meat bird and I am sure that is due to your loving care... Just know you gave her a happy life...

Sucked right out of the side of the truck. I hated seeing that when we came up from SC to NC as a kid. You did a great thing and gave her quality and quantity she would have never known. Know you will miss her eggs.
Thank you for giving that chicken the good life she would have never had if she hadn't fallen off that truck. Sorry for your loss.
Thanks for the condolences all

They went through a rash of chickens falling out - it was not unusual to see a new dead chicken almost everyday for a while! I think they have fixed the faulty crates since then - probably got complaints.
We called that stretch of road Death Highway because of the feathers and poor hens littering the median and shoulder. Sigh. That's just no way to go. Glad you made a difference.
So sorry to hear about your loss. That is a sad ending but at the same time, you rescued her , so that is a good thing. I also have meat birds that were given to me "by accident" and I refused to butcher them. Mine are about 7 months old right now and I hope that mine can live to be as old as yours. You have such a good heart to do what you have done.

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