Respiratory disease???

Chickens :)

Feb 2, 2018
Hi there, I have a pullet who is nearly 1 year old. She has a wheezing sound coming from her chest and has been sneezing. About 5 weeks ago she stopped laying and I thought maybe she was eating the eggs so I went on an investigation and I found out she wasn’t but instead stopped laying. She isn’t moulting and her comb looks bright red and stands up like normal. She has been sneezing this winter but only occasionally. I thought that the cold weather might have been the cause because some of the other chickens in different coups were sneezing so I would take her out at night and put her somewhere warm to sleep. Recently it has warmed up so she sleeps outside with one of the flicks but she does get picked on a bit so maybe stress is causing it to become worse? She hadn’t been sneezing very much just a bit but I had noticed today she was sneezing again and loosing breathe a bit too easily. Her eyes have also began turning blue over the last 2-3 months but I am not sure if that is just her genetics as I had other chickens with blue eyes. She is vaccinated against mareks as well. Should I give her something for this or do you think it will ease as it warms up?

Thank you
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Wouldn't hurt to try some VetRx...also giving some NutriDrench in the water can work wonders for a lot of different ailments. Hoping for the best!! :fl
Wouldn't hurt to try some VetRx...also giving some NutriDrench in the water can work wonders for a lot of different ailments. Hoping for the best!! :fl

It sounds like a respiratory disease is spreading from one coop to another. Stress doesnt help and brings out disease symptoms. I dont know about the blue eyes. It could genetics or something to do with the marek's vaccine, not sure.

Thank you, I give them apple cider vinegar in the water every week to keep them a bit healthy. I am having trouble sourcing VetRx in Australia. Would you know if anything else I could use? And would it affect the eggs I collect for hatching?
Also, I have three chicks at the moment. They aren’t sneezing maybe the occasional one but very rarely. Should I give them something too?

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