Respiratory illness


7 Years
Jul 3, 2012
I have had 9 chicks, 14 weeks old for three weeks now. They all appeared healthy when I purchased them. My buff orington stated rattling, and wheezing. She sneezed a lot. I left her in the coop overnight. The next morning she was so weak she couldn't walk.
She appeared to be drooling clear liquid from her beak, I thought she was throwing up on several occasions but everything was clear. The liquid from her beak bubbled and hung there. I have asked several farmers here and the all say, "I don't know." I put the whole coop on tetracycline but this morning another chick has the same symptoms. Any ideas?
My hen just went through a bout of chicken respiratory illness - Mycoplasma. My bird vet wanted me to stick with tetracycline, so we could leave the other antibiotics in reserve, should this disease rise its ugly head again in the flock. I just used the tetracycline bought at the food store.

Hard to say what to do without a diagosis of what's wrong with the chickens. Just wanted to share my experience.
They may have one of several respiratory illnesses, including mycoplasmosis, none of which are truly curable. No antibiotic, including Denagard or Tylan, will cure them. They may help with symptoms, if the infection is bacterial (viruses are not affected by antibiotics, as you know), but the birds remain carriers, like Typhoid Mary. This is why folks who have been doing this for a long time do not treat respiratory illness. They euthanize. A sick flock is no way to start keeping chickens.
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