Review Hand Me Down Farms (grow out hatchery)

@eggsightedforlife Sorry to have the quick rebuttal. I have no issue with criticism. However, SF's are listed as a threatened breed at the Livestock Conservatory. I thought that makes them rare. If it doesn't -- then I will say they are rare in this part of the country. There is apparently no one who breeds them closer than 2.5 hours from my house (one breeder north of Harrisburg.) That breeder said that I can't go on a waitlist, but that they would probably have them next summer and would announce on facebook (a medium I do not use.) Keep in mind that a 5 hour round trip is a BIG commitment as well.

I wrote to the Faverolles thread looking for SF, and someone there suggested I get some pullets shipped. Then, some of the most highly recommended, well known Faverolles breeders stopped shipping indefinitely owing to issues at the post office.

Also I started getting chickens during covid -- in a way they are my "covid pet". Last spring there were a lot of sold out chickens as well, and 70% of them I did get turned out to be roos, which I carefully rehomed (except one roo I kept.) Then I lost one hen to a fox, leaving me with 3 hens to one rooster, and I thought my coop looked sparse. So I wanted a few more pullets. Could I wait until next Spring or Summer? Well, maybe, but during this pandemic, I am home all day. Next Spring, maybe not so much. Furthermore, if I start all over again with eggs, I may end up with a whole bunch of roosters again. I thought, since SF sex out early, that I could find SF pullets that are old enough to be sexed by color. Then it would be sort of a "sure thing" and I wouldn't have the rehoming issue. It never occurred to me someone would sell pullets that they did not hatch, and that were just hatchery sexed. If that is someone's business model -- perhaps make it clear on the website. Cause I wouldn't have purchased if I knew that was the business model.

Several people did tell me they didn't look like SF. There are two threads here plus private messages. You are not privy to all my information.

Edited to say: the livestock conservatory lists breeders of their threatened birds. I called all the breeders of Faverolles within 5 hours of my house. None maintained Faverolles anymore. One suggested I get them mailorder...
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Edited to say: the livestock conservatory lists breeders of their threatened birds. I called all the breeders of Faverolles within 5 hours of my house. None maintained Faverolles anymore.
Unfortunately, their information is at least partially outdated as confirmed by the calls you made. Things are changing so fast these days, it's off the hook. I'm not surprised that it's challenging to keep updated. I consider them one source of VERY limited information. I do hear what you're saying though, on all fronts.. also understand, and again very sorry for your experience. It was awful! :hugs

If that is someone's business model -- perhaps make it clear on the website. Cause I wouldn't have purchased if I knew that was the business model.
Agreed 100%, full disclosure would be VERY nice and also maybe even should be required! I really resent all the discrepancy allowed in marketing and trade just for starters.. we're being manipulated all around as consumers. :duc

Do you feel passionate enough about it to write up an article that maybe details the different types of hatcheries available to us and how they work.. but EVEN better, make sure it includes a comprehensive easy to view list of which hatcheries are which type so it easy for folks searching to include as part of their consideration before placing an order?? I haven't seen anything like that and don't have the energy to put in but would definitely use and reference for others if it were good valid information! :)

Maybe even create some polls or work to create some sort of rating system for the various popular and more importantly maybe, the less known hatcheries.. Is there a way to do it.. with stepping on toes but still being factual.. just report our experience.. Possible a focused question poll with 0-5 ratings and no comments.. like shipped in a timely manner, got what you ordered, overall health, communication, etc.. factual but not defaming.. just floating ideas.. I'm good at coming up with project ideas but not so good at executing them. :oops:

Several people did tell me they didn't look like SF. There are two threads here plus private messages. You are not privy to all my information.
Absolutely, I never have ALL of someone's information.. That's why I TRY to ask.. but sometimes it comes out as not friendly or worse. Plus mine is only ONE opinion, nothing more. And I'm here to learn also.. so thank you for sharing! :highfive:

I hope your message gets out but more so that your frail little fluff balls become giant friendly productive goofs in the long term! :wee

As you may have gleaned I am a researcher by inclination and trade, so the list you requested is actually the kind of thing I have been known to do. However, in this case I feel that I am too new to chickens to be able to do it justice. I mean, I have literally only purchased from 3 places: a wonderful small local breeder, a neighbor who had a surprise box of hatchery chicks (and we bartered, I didn't even purchase), and this experience. I am sure there are many variables that I am not aware of. Also, it would probably be an ever changing list. But with your expertise eggsighted, perhaps you could do a post on just the different models? And the pitfalls therein? Cause I know from friends when you get hatchery day-olds there is a real risk of the sexing being off. With the private breeder, in my case any chick that wasn't sexable by coloring at birth was sold straight run. (They all turned out to be male, but the breeder let me trade in one for a female!) With ebay purchases, you have the issue of disease, etc. I did try finding chicks on craigslist, but the all the people seemed shady on the phone and I slammed on the brakes.

And yes that conservatory list was super duper outdated. People were like -- oh yeah, that's right, I used to have Faverolles a decade ago.... now I raise Kunekune pigs... (just an example -- please don't ask me who has Kunekune pigs.)
Following up on the outcome of this purchase:
One chick who continued to display symptoms was sent to necropsy. She was found to have coccidiosis (despite treatment), Infectious bronchitis, reovirus, and infectious bursa disease. The remaining 3 chicks were rehomed with someone who did not have chickens yet, and who promised to give them a sheltered place to stay in the winter, and lots of loving care. The flock will be kept segregated with no chickens in or out until at least June (6 months from infectious period.). This plan was approved by the lead state avian vet.

The credit card company awarded me a refund. Of course, the cost of treatment, vet, and necropsy was over $100.

The farm was informed of the necropsy results.

So far my original chickens do not show any sign of having caught the illnesses of the chicks. We continue to use special shoes to go down the basement where the chicks were kept.
Following up on the outcome of this purchase:
One chick who continued to display symptoms was sent to necropsy. She was found to have coccidiosis (despite treatment), Infectious bronchitis, reovirus, and infectious bursa disease. The remaining 3 chicks were rehomed with someone who did not have chickens yet, and who promised to give them a sheltered place to stay in the winter, and lots of loving care. The flock will be kept segregated with no chickens in or out until at least June (6 months from infectious period.). This plan was approved by the lead state avian vet.

The credit card company awarded me a refund. Of course, the cost of treatment, vet, and necropsy was over $100.

The farm was informed of the necropsy results.

So far my original chickens do not show any sign of having caught the illnesses of the chicks. We continue to use special shoes to go down the basement where the chicks were kept.
i'm so sorry this happened to you! i hope your flock stays healthy :hugs
Something that caught my attention was that she immunized the chicks for Mareks at that age! At least here in Germany they should get the vaccine asap... meaning day1 or at least within a day or two. No contacts with adult birds as they might get exposed to the virus.
Maybe she does not need to worry about that because she only has chicks at her farm. :confused:

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