Ribh's D'Coopage

This day sounds like loads of fun and you got stuff done 🤗. I can understand how difficult it can be away from home. I love my vacations at my daughters house, but am so out of my element. I tend to get stressed after awhile and we know that's not good 😞
I hope you will still be able to enjoy your time 🤗🤗
Im like that when I visit my mum Its lovely but stressful.
I've seen a lot of flock photos from in there. They love it don't they. 🥰
They do love it, but it's not the one that most of my photos are taken under. This one is outside their run. The one they love is in their run. It is an Abutilon, also known as a Chinese Lantern or Indian Mallow. It is a lot more "open" than the Japanese Jasmine.


(if you look carefully you can see a white chicken under it. Who could it possibly be? 🤔 😜)
I don't know what it is Ribh. I have asked. It's been there a long time and if left alone grows a bit like a willow tree throwing trailers out from above which droop to the ground. It is very popular with the chickens which is just one of the reasons I get pissed when one person in particular from the main house decides it needs pruning. If it was just pruned I would feel better but it gets savaged. Still, it survives and grows back every year. There are currently three wild birds nests in the upper part. There was a young woodpecker (Picot Verde) in it yesterday waiting for the chickens to get fed.
Close to the house there are four main prime chicken shelter spots and that is one of them. One other you've seen in my pictures of chickens on the steps. Both sides of the steps have bushes and Tribe 2 in particular favour this area.
Then there is the bamboo clump. This is great for the chickens and in the event of a hawk attack most will head into the bamboo. So far I've managed to prevent anyone cutting it down.
I could do with some shrub advice for the chickens. I want to plant some shrubbery just outside the Palace gates so that when I let them out to wander around they are not right out in an open field. As an added benefit some shrubs in that area would help mask some big manholes for the septic system.
I too love the cave-like shrubs we see at your place and would also like some with low but sturdy branches they can jump up on if they choose.
Looking for ideas and inspiration of what to plant in spring. Of course I would prefer NE US natives so I may be asking in the wrong place!
I could do with some shrub advice for the chickens. I want to plant some shrubbery just outside the Palace gates so that when I let them out to wander around they are not right out in an open field. As an added benefit some shrubs in that area would help mask some big manholes for the septic system.
I too love the cave-like shrubs we see at your place and would also like some with low but sturdy branches they can jump up on if they choose.
Looking for ideas and inspiration of what to plant in spring. Of course I would prefer NE US natives so I may be asking in the wrong place!

Boxwoods are hardy in your area. They can also be trimmed/trained to make a chicken cave. They are green year round, but aren't like pines.
Boxwoods are hardy in your area. They can also be trimmed/trained to make a chicken cave. They are green year round, but aren't like pines.
Yes - good idea - i hadn't thought about trimming and training into caves - but you are right - very doable. Love it.
I could do with some shrub advice for the chickens. I want to plant some shrubbery just outside the Palace gates so that when I let them out to wander around they are not right out in an open field. As an added benefit some shrubs in that area would help mask some big manholes for the septic system.
I too love the cave-like shrubs we see at your place and would also like some with low but sturdy branches they can jump up on if they choose.
Looking for ideas and inspiration of what to plant in spring. Of course I would prefer NE US natives so I may be asking in the wrong place!
Juneberries, blueberries & New Jersey tea are apparently native to your area & @ least 2 are edible. :)

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