Ribh's D'Coopage

I’m a little disappointed, as I took them some chicken breasts and wings, as well as some of Andrew’s sausage. I think it will still be there the next time I visit as the eggs I brought them back in March are still untouched in the fridge
I find that so strange as home produced stuff is so wonderful. I still remember from when I was a kiddie & my grandfather ran jerseys, the milk pails coming up warm from the dairy with thick yellow cream! I would keep a jersey cow just for that!:)

Andrew will get an earful of Venting when he gets home!
:lau He can make up a little for the state of the trailer. Honestly, all my lot are the same.

I got to pass Andrew at the Ferry terminal on my way home and him on his way to work on Saltspring.
I know this one!:gigUsually we exchange car keys & where the island car is parked. Not so much these days as John & I usually travel together. Back in the day, when all the kids were round it was a circus, especially when we didn't have a paid parking space for the mainland car. The boat would be pulling out with someone still issuing instructions.:lau
It was New Girl that passed, I’m hoping peacefully.
I'm so sorry. It's never easy but worse when you're not actually there.
but hard digging after a full day of city public transit and then the ferries would have been difficult for me.
I haven't figured out why but mainland days are particularly hard on the body & that is weird when mostly I sit...
Honestly, I’m ok with how Andrew did with the chickens, it’s a lot of chickens to handle and with different groups needing different care and feedin
Yeah, John takes on the *naminals* as he calls them, when I have to be away & it's always dodgy as he's not really an animal person & his family kept dogs anyway. Granted my cats are difficult. They have separation issues & Marlow landed @ the vet after one visit, he became so stressed by my absence. John lost a chicken while I was away last summer so I'm not sure how well he will do this year when I have Lottie & the Campines.:confused:
I find that so strange as home produced stuff is so wonderful. I still remember from when I was a kiddie & my grandfather ran jerseys, the milk pails coming up warm from the dairy with thick yellow cream! I would keep a jersey cow just for that!:)

:lau He can make up a little for the state of the trailer. Honestly, all my lot are the same.

I know this one!:gigUsually we exchange car keys & where the island car is parked. Not so much these days as John & I usually travel together. Back in the day, when all the kids were round it was a circus, especially when we didn't have a paid parking space for the mainland car. The boat would be pulling out with someone still issuing instructions.:lau

I'm so sorry. It's never easy but worse when you're not actually there.

I haven't figured out why but mainland days are particularly hard on the body & that is weird when mostly I sit...

Yeah, John takes on the *naminals* as he calls them, when I have to be away & it's always dodgy as he's not really an animal person & his family kept dogs anyway. Granted my cats are difficult. They have separation issues & Marlow landed @ the vet after one visit, he became so stressed by my absence. John lost a chicken while I was away last summer so I'm not sure how well he will do this year when I have Lottie & the Campines.:confused:
Thanks! I’m glad to know Andrew isn’t alone in his ”voluntold” chicken duties

Since my update I’ve really been struggling, there was a “situation” and it’s “family farm dynamics” related... I’m not wanting to jack or downer your thread Jeannie, and I’m grateful for everyone here. I don’t know what my life/Chicken situation is going to look like for the future... but I would like to say thanks to everyone here. You’ve been awesome, supportive, and kind. I consider you all friends even if I haven’t met you in person.
I missed whatever sunrise there was this morning. It is cold & windy but I keep a bird bath on the verandah for moments like this. This is a Drongo ~ about the size of a magpie, with black feathers that get the same sort of pretty sheen as an Australorp.
P1110663 (2).JPG

They hawk from tree branches & are supposed to be non~people friendly but we have found them to be real clowns & wonderful mimics. This one called like the small honeyeaters do when they come to bathe. They have a long really distinct fish tail.
Thanks! I’m glad to know Andrew isn’t alone in his ”voluntold” chicken duties

Since my update I’ve really been struggling, there was a “situation” and it’s “family farm dynamics” related... I’m not wanting to jack or downer your thread Jeannie, and I’m grateful for everyone here. I don’t know what my life/Chicken situation is going to look like for the future... but I would like to say thanks to everyone here. You’ve been awesome, supportive, and kind. I consider you all friends even if I haven’t met you in person.
Kris, there is a PM button for a reason. If you would like to vent with non~family please feel free. I don't mind having my ear bent even if I am no earthly use in the practical sense. :hugs
Thanks! I’m glad to know Andrew isn’t alone in his ”voluntold” chicken duties

Since my update I’ve really been struggling, there was a “situation” and it’s “family farm dynamics” related... I’m not wanting to jack or downer your thread Jeannie, and I’m grateful for everyone here. I don’t know what my life/Chicken situation is going to look like for the future... but I would like to say thanks to everyone here. You’ve been awesome, supportive, and kind. I consider you all friends even if I haven’t met you in person.

We are here whether you share or not. I feel like you need one of these.

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