Ribh's D'Coopage

You might remember these... so don't feel too bad about your lot.​
I remember seeing the first video but not the second.
Great videos I might add.:love
I've had the nest box wars but Ive been fortunate in not having that many broodies in the same place at once. I've had broodies spread about the tribes but they had their own nests.
I remember seeing the first video but not the second.
Great videos I might add.:love
I've had the nest box wars but Ive been fortunate in not having that many broodies in the same place at once. I've had broodies spread about the tribes but they had their own nests.
The Japs always shared even when there were multiple boxes to choose from, as did my barred rocks. Ha'penny, as we all know, goes feral & finds somewhere really well hidden round the yard.
The most recent additions.
I have a new twist on the insanity. I had three in the box. One gave up quite quickly - I really think she just didn’t like the squeeze.
Then Piglet gave up at about two weeks. Piglet is very food focused and I think she hated missing meals. For a few days she would leave the third hen (Tassels) babysitting while she went out to eat.
And now the twist. Tassels remains broody and is a crazy woman. Quite scary all puffed up and screaming.
Calypso, who is definitely not broody has learned the intimidation tactics that Tassels uses and deploys them to get first dibs at any good food. She puffs herself up and charges straight at the breakfast bowl and yells
It is quite effective as a tactic.

Picture is Piglet having second breakfast while supposedly broody

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