Ribh's D'Coopage

Am I really that blunt?:oops:
I do try not to offend but the cultural differences between certain parts of the USA and my Scottish attitude exacerbated by the Catalonian very blunt style of speech, means as soon as I open my mouth I've upset someone here on BYC it seems. My sense of humour seems to cause some outrage as well.:confused:
The Catalans are even less tactful and polite than the Scotts!
Never had a problem with it. :)
Am I really that blunt?:oops:
I do try not to offend but the cultural differences between certain parts of the USA and my Scottish attitude exacerbated by the Catalonian very blunt style of speech, means as soon as I open my mouth I've upset someone here on BYC it seems. My sense of humour seems to cause some outrage as well.:confused:
The Catalans are even less tactful and polite than the Scotts!
I like your manner. It's trustworthy.
Am I really that blunt?:oops:
I do try not to offend but the cultural differences between certain parts of the USA and my Scottish attitude exacerbated by the Catalonian very blunt style of speech, means as soon as I open my mouth I've upset someone here on BYC it seems. My sense of humour seems to cause some outrage as well.:confused:
The Catalans are even less tactful and polite than the Scotts!
What are you whinging about? You've fallen into a group who loves you just the way you are.:p Forget about the wankers who don't know a good thing when they see it & be grateful you have us!:lol:
Well me and my generation refused to convert to metric LOL. From the conversations i think we are all about the same ages. They tried to institute Metric when I was in High School if memory serves correctly. After years of learning our measures we were in no mood to do it all again LOL. Fortunately they are internet calculators that can do this for me if needed. :lau.
I had a dear cat with long legs and was incredibly strong. Could/ Would not be "Placed " into a carrier. The only to get her in was to "Net" her with towel or small blanket, wrap her up and "Stuff" her into the carrier. The Vet could get her out but not me (at least if I wanted to keep that hand LOL). She was about 12lbs and no fat
:lau I was in about 3rd grade when the whole country changed over. It was just enough confusion to really stuff me up. I hadn't started on the money system or no doubt I'd have trouble with that too. Metric money is very easy but metric lengths, weights & temperatures make no sense to me.

My pair of cats @ present are ragdoll Xs~ doey as! And big boys! They simply become *dead weight* & almost impossible to move.

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