Ribh's D'Coopage

I much prefer an actual book over reading on an tech device. We are trying so hard to raise our kids to go outside a play to be kids, but also to enjoy reading. I have read to Anna almost since birth. She always has a bedtime story, She also enjoys reading on her own and is starting to put stories together.

Rich's son Mason HATES reading. He wants to play on electronics ALL DAY LONG. His mother, is not a good mother, she will give anything to not have to deal with her children. Therefore when Mason is with her he spends hours upon hours on his phone. When he is at our house we practically have to drag him out of the house to play.

Morgan, Rich's daughter likes to read, but again prefers to play games or watch videos on her phone. Again when she's with mom, it's all phone time so mom doesn't have to parent.

Rich and I are trying to get full custody of all our kids. I need to get Anna settled in here. Her father is having a baby with his on-again off-again girlfriend and Anna is already worried her dad won't have time for her. Sadly she's not wrong, but I'm trying to not let her feel that way.

I wish the other parents had the kids best interest at heart, but they both are unmedicated bi-polar narcissist, and they just won't give. It's going to be a very long and expensive process, i'm affraid.
Oh yes the poems!

A A Milne's poems are excellent for reading out loud. "The King's Breakfast" was one of our favourites. 🤗

Edit: Also "Disobedience" 🥰
I like The Highwayman; James James, Morrison Mossison, Wetherby George Dupree... :D; The Lyke Wake Dirge or Young Lochnivar. The children merely got to suffer in silence. :lol:
I much prefer an actual book over reading on an tech device. We are trying so hard to raise our kids to go outside a play to be kids, but also to enjoy reading. I have read to Anna almost since birth. She always has a bedtime story, She also enjoys reading on her own and is starting to put stories together.

Rich's son Mason HATES reading. He wants to play on electronics ALL DAY LONG. His mother, is not a good mother, she will give anything to not have to deal with her children. Therefore when Mason is with her he spends hours upon hours on his phone. When he is at our house we practically have to drag him out of the house to play.

Morgan, Rich's daughter likes to read, but again prefers to play games or watch videos on her phone. Again when she's with mom, it's all phone time so mom doesn't have to parent.

Rich and I are trying to get full custody of all our kids. I need to get Anna settled in here. Her father is having a baby with his on-again off-again girlfriend and Anna is already worried her dad won't have time for her. Sadly she's not wrong, but I'm trying to not let her feel that way.

I wish the other parents had the kids best interest at heart, but they both are unmedicated bi-polar narcissist, and they just won't give. It's going to be a very long and expensive process, i'm affraid.
I'm sorry. Sadly the children pay for the parent's sins.
I like The Highwayman; James James, Morrison Mossison, Wetherby George Dupree... :D; The Lyke Wake Dirge or Young Lochnivar. The children merely got to suffer in silence. :lol:
Oooh yes! The Highwayman! So Gothic romantic. Perfect for young teen girls.

"James James, Morrison Mossison, Wetherby George Dupree" that's "Disobedience" ( I had to look it up ;))

Now I'm off to check out the other 2 poems you mentioned. Time to get back to my Celtic roots...
Oooh yes! The Highwayman! So Gothic romantic. Perfect for young teen girls.

"James James, Morrison Mossison, Wetherby George Dupree" that's "Disobedience" ( I had to look it up ;))

Now I'm off to check out the other 2 poems you mentioned. Time to get back to my Celtic roots...
Oh. :( I only ever knew it as James James etc... YL may just be under Lochnivar ~ Sir Walter Scott. The Lyke Wake is a traditional ~ very old & sometimes set to music. I've loved it ever since I first read it as a child.
Oh. :( I only ever knew it as James James etc... YL may just be under Lochnivar ~ Sir Walter Scott. The Lyke Wake is a traditional ~ very old & sometimes set to music. I've loved it ever since I first read it as a child.
It's very coincidental that poetry should come up in conversation - last week I signed up for a poem a day from the poetry foundation. It provides a lovely moment of peace before the day kicks off. It's all contemporary poetry by American poets. Very beautiful and emotive.
Jeannie, I lost my love for reading because of work. When you read a couple thousand pages during the day, reading for fun just isn't fun any more. Sue kept it alive in the house and I would begrudgingly participate. But in the end, books stir imagination. They teach the child to think beyond their current reality. There is just so much there. My favorite series was "My side of the mountain" and today I live on the side of a mountain. I love technology and the internet, but I think both have given young people today a disservice. I look at the 20 somethings with all their emotional and mental issues. That didn't exist in our day because people actually talked to one another and held one another accountable for their actions and words.
Well said Bob. I'm sorry you lost your love of reading. Hats off to Sue for keeping it alive.

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