Ribh's D'Coopage

I’ve been around at my normal times. :frow
You are infinitely reliable and I am glad. I love conversing with you.

I don't know why this struck me so. I think everyone else has still been around too. I do believe that this morning was the first time in forever that I woke up to no new posts on my thread. I count on you aussies to greet me every morning. Maybe that was it.
This is barking mad Bracket. She's forgotten where her nest is.View attachment 2294653
I saw her slip through the fence and down the bank yesterday. I marked the spot with the twig stuck in the top of the fence post you can see in the second picture.
She is in the first picture but is very hard to spot.
She wandered up and down the fence line for a bit and then headed off back to the coop.
Despite her behavioral oddities she is the best turned out hen in the tribe. There is hardly a feather out of place, she's a good weight and looks bright and alert; all this despite the wry neck she had last year which looked ghastly.
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That last picture of her is great quality. I was able to enlarge it and she really is beautiful. Her feathers are immaculate! :love
ACM is in NSW which has covid restrictions back in place. That may be making work & life in general a little more difficult for her but she does tend to go MIA for periods ~ usually due to work I think.

Victoria is @ stage 4 lockdown & our borders are closed again.
I'm sorry to hear that. Please stay safe. I think i remember that about ACM now that you mention it.
The Campines may like leghorns survive in confinement. I think they are very similar birds in temperament based upon your descriptions. I can tell you that without a total confinement system leghorns are excellent at escaping.
I have to agree with Bob here. Of all my girls, Tsuki the Leghorn is the escape artist.
Luckily she now comes when she's called and will follow me back into the run for a handful of seeds.

Here she is with Edwina coming when I call.
It was the ULTIMATE reward to use the computer in class.

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This is a picture of the original game. It is based on the real Oregon Trail the settlers used to settle the west.
How nostalgic!

Reminds me of Leisure Suit Larry, King's Quest and Clara Bow.
Does anyone remember playing Larn? It was even more primitive graphics wise. Loved that game.
I will be 62 next birthday apparently. My age is now higher than I can comfortably count ~ yes, I am that mathematically challenged. :gig

You'll have to get friends and family to take of their shoes and socks to help you count Ribh 🤣

Oooh! Twinsies @pspatbyc . I'll be 56 in a couple of weeks!

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