Ribh's D'Coopage

Good evening folks :frow

Jeannie, I hope the vet can help you with your girl :hugs

I'm glad they are arriving on time. Jeannie, thanks so much for the assist.

oh my... I missed reading the part about the injured vorwerk. That is not good. And a trip into the vet in the heat of summer :(
Maybe I’m not up to keeping up on more than one busy thread again yet...
Sorry I missed this @Ribh :hugs
“My pet makes me what??? Hold on there, exactly what do you do with our babies again?” She really look like she’s reading the cover!
It's a classic Mary pose! Whenever she inspects something, it's always her left eye put to work. Darling hen 🥰 I'm sure her vision is a little wonky.
oh my... I missed reading the part about the injured vorwerk. That is not good. And a trip into the vet in the heat of summer :(
Maybe I’m not up to keeping up on more than one busy thread again yet...
Sorry I missed this @Ribh :hugs
Wouldn't worry, Kris. I'm not really keeping up myself either. I find this time of year a veritable nightmare [overcrowded boats, traffic jams, lack of parking & the CROWDS ] even without the added hassle of sick chooks, crazy chooks & covid. I'm worried & exhausted & melting in the humidity. At least the rest of my Littlies seem to be doing well. They are eating up a storm & the man says they are growing. I can't tell. I see them every day & compared to my older ladies they are midgets!

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