Ribh's D'Coopage

Thanks, Sue. I have a large collection but not as big as I suspect @Kris5902 's is. :lol: I have been known to cull when I run out of space.
For a minute there I didn’t realize you were talking books and was completely horrified! We also were culling books for space… mostly duplicate sci-fi and fantasy paperbacks. Three gainfully employed book addicts with similar reading tastes living together for a decade, plus my mothers collection (what we could salvage) and DH’s mothers collection. We fully admit we have a book problem! Lol
I love black cats. He's a beauty
He really is a beauty although those are not very good pictures - he was being very cuddly and wouldn't let me get a shot.
I love black cats too - it is another 'thing' I have.
Black cats and black chickens. I guess I have a type! :lau
Happy Caturday from the States!

I came across this old photo the other day. I thought it was perfect for this day. In front you have the greatest hen ever, in the background you have my beloved Dr. Zoidberg. Dr. Z is the Daisy of my cats, dare I say, "The Greatest Cat Ever"? 😉

They would pass on within 2 weeks of each other. I was crushed. It was an awful period of time.


Caturday Incident

Éowyn was feeling feisty today. I'm sure because she knew it was Caturday.
While Phyllis has Davis intimidated, her and Éowyn have more of a mutual understanding. When Phyllis comes in Éowyn observes her. Until today that is.

Éowyn is playing with everything and everyone. There is still so much kitten in her. Phyllis was in enjoying her private meal worm snack and Éowyn was observing with me in between when Éowyn decided it was time to play. In the blink of an eye she kept over me and pounced at Phyllis.

Needless to say, Phyllis did not appreciate that at all. Phyllis must have seen her coming because she was airborne when Éowyn landed. They avoided each other but I was a complete wreck.

Phyllis quickly exited the house and Éowyn stared at her out the screen door. BY Bob had to go change his underwear. 😉 😆

For a minute there I didn’t realize you were talking books and was completely horrified! We also were culling books for space… mostly duplicate sci-fi and fantasy paperbacks. Three gainfully employed book addicts with similar reading tastes living together for a decade, plus my mothers collection (what we could salvage) and DH’s mothers collection. We fully admit we have a book problem! Lol
An excellent problem to have!
He really is a beauty although those are not very good pictures - he was being very cuddly and wouldn't let me get a shot.
I love black cats too - it is another 'thing' I have.
Black cats and black chickens. I guess I have a type! :lau
One of the best cats I ever had was all white so maybe it does carry over. 🤷‍♂️

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