Ribh's D'Coopage

I know you are unused to this because your cats are generally so unbelievably good natured. However, cats generally don't like to share.
The way my four figure it out is that they own different parts of the house. So if I am at my desk I am owned by one cat. On the sofa there are two that share me. In bed a different two share me.
It sounds confusing but they seem to understand how it works and I just cuddle whoever is willing to be cuddled.
They were both able to play with the fish on a stick last night together with no issue. It just seems to be when Enzo wants to cuddle with me Èowyn no longer likes it. It just started this past week.

You are right. This is totally new to me.
Picture of my sister’s cats for Caterday!
I know you are unused to this because your cats are generally so unbelievably good natured. However, cats generally don't like to share.
The way my four figure it out is that they own different parts of the house. So if I am at my desk I am owned by one cat. On the sofa there are two that share me. In bed a different two share me.
It sounds confusing but they seem to understand how it works and I just cuddle whoever is willing to be cuddled.
They were both able to play with the fish on a stick last night together with no issue. It just seems to be when Enzo wants to cuddle with me Èowyn no longer likes it. It just started this past week.

You are right. This is totally new to me.
This may make some of you laugh but I tried to find ressources on cat's behaviour before getting mine. One of those explained that human for cats are part of their territory, meaning geographical territory. It said this was the reason why they rub themselves on our legs like they do on trees and corners, to leave marks. I think it makes some sense with both of these behaviour.
A great picture! Hard to tell she has grown so big with just the head and paw showing
This may make some of you laugh but I tried to find ressources on cat's behaviour before getting mine. One of those explained that human for cats are part of their territory, meaning geographical territory. It said this was the reason why they rub themselves on our legs like they do on trees and corners, to leave marks. I think it makes some sense with both of these behaviour.
Yes absolutely. She is guarding her territory.
This may make some of you laugh but I tried to find ressources on cat's behaviour before getting mine. One of those explained that human for cats are part of their territory, meaning geographical territory. It said this was the reason why they rub themselves on our legs like they do on trees and corners, to leave marks. I think it makes some sense with both of these behaviour.
I think a lot of creatures are like this. I also think it's not just about territory. Many creatures, despite all the various descriptions we've given them, are tribal. Humans are, again despite the sociological wish that integration worked.
Same breed, different tribes. For me it gets more interesting when one tries to work out what makes an individual belong to this tribe or that tribe when the obvious is not visable. This is where knowing the history of an individual helps.

It's an unfortunate current view that states we are all the same and then seperates out the differences under the umbrella of culture. Perhaps if we accepted the differences within a species and managed socities accordingly we would have less problems when trying to manage them.
Happy Caturday

Èowyn and Eve's dinosaur.

View attachment 3382238

Èowyn has decided that I belong to her and she has decided she doesn't want to share. Multiple times this week she has swatted Enzo out of my arms and chased him away from me. It is distressing to both Enzo and me. I'm not certain what if anything I can do.
Can you scooch down a bit when you are sitting so there’s room for both? That’s what I have to do for our feline overlords.

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