Ribh's D'Coopage

I think a lot of creatures are like this. I also think it's not just about territory. Many creatures, despite all the various descriptions we've given them, are tribal. Humans are, again despite the sociological wish that integration worked.
Same breed, different tribes. For me it gets more interesting when one tries to work out what makes an individual belong to this tribe or that tribe when the obvious is not visable. This is where knowing the history of an individual helps.

It's an unfortunate current view that states we are all the same and then seperates out the differences under the umbrella of culture. Perhaps if we accepted the differences within a species and managed socities accordingly we would have less problems when trying to manage them.
The old nature versus nurture debate. There is a lovely vid going round just now of a panther raised with a lab(?) ~ not good with dog breeds. They seem to be the best of friends though I'm pretty sure I would never absolutely trust the panther.

Cats will mark their property by grooming or rubbing their scent glands against the person or object. Cats that get along will do this to each other & their person as everyone then has a shared scent indicating they belong to the same tribe.

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Aussies, anyone else's girls already starting their moult?

I went to let my lot out yesterday to find a shed full of feathers.🙄 I got just 1 egg out of a dozen chooks & we're still in the middle of a heat wave.:confused:
No moulting at my place. Or at the neighbour's.

Any idea which ones are moulting?
My second cup I told you about before
In the other hemisphere... I've seen several people noting that moulting started early for their chickens this year. People were pondering if it had to do with the climate, if chickens somehow knew winter would be cold....
I had one hen begin in August but it was later for the others.
My chickens molted on the early side this year in California. Then when we had nine back-to-back storms, a few dropped some “stress” feathers.

In other news, someone laid the first egg of the season. (Sorry for those if you who already saw this on Bob’s thread.)
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