Right to vote


10 Years
May 26, 2009
Woodville, MS
Ruth and I were reading our weekly newspaper, it is always such a pleasure as we get to find out about ladies' teas and who is visiting from out of town. Iraq and Afghanistan are places that are mentioned, well never in this small town paper, maybe that is a good thing. Front page news might be an unique butterfly sighting or a bald eagle perched on a nest.

One piece of news, as we relocated from Louisiana recently, was that there is a petition for voters to have some means of identification to actually vote. Apparently, there is still a problem hereabouts with the deceased showing up to vote. I have wondered a lot about the afterlife but voting was never in the top ten things to want to be doing.

This truly is a tale of two cities, a microcosm of sorts, poverty and something else, as soon as I put my finger on what that something else is....
When we lived in Wayne County, MI, we had to have some type of identification. Birth certificate, License, piece of mail from utility company, a passport, or voter registration card.

When we bought our new house in Livingston County, MI, we didn't need to show any ID. They didn't even ask for my voter registration card. Just my name, and that I was on the list.

It was the first time ever, I had to show any type of ID for voting. None of the other States I lived in did that.

I don't recall if I've had to show my ID lately, but I do have to know my home address and sign a paper before I'm issued a ballot.
I remember that now. In Wayne County, MI if you didn't have an ID, you could still vote, but you had to fill out a form, and sign it. I think it was just to verify your address, and not so much you were who you said you were.


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