Ring Phone, Ring!!!!--- THEY'RE HERE!!!!!!!! YAY!! PICS

What did you order? My order from Ideal shipped Wednesday too. I called the PO at exactly 8:30 to check if they arrived, and they had. I've got a few packing peanuts, so I'm curious about what else hatched that day.
I am also happy for you! Aren't they cute??

We ordered from Welp, they were shipped Monday from New Mexico and they we here in Washington State on Wednesday. Nice chicks. Welp and Privett must be associated since the Welp zip code in NM was the same as Privett.

Enjoy your new peeps, as you know they grow up too fast!

We only got one packing peanut and that was another BB OEGB! Here's my grandson with his birthday presents. This is all he wanted for his birthday. BB oegb's!! Can you see how happy he is?


Here's Lady, our Great Pyrenees puppy, checking out the chicks and ducklings!

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Lets see, I ordered 5 BB oegb's for my grandson and got 6. 2 BR, 2 BA, 2 BO, 2 SLW, 2 EE's, and 2 female Pekin ducklings. I thought I was going to get a bunch of packing peanuts but nope, only the one extra BB oegb. And I'm thrilled that they threw an extra one of those in because they're for my grandson.

We went to Alabama to get our Great Pyrenees puppy and he fell in love with the BB oegb's there. He wanted to bring one home and threw a bit of a temper tantrum when we told him we couldn't. He's a special needs child and sometimes he doesn't understand the time concept.

We told him that we would order him some for his birthday but the soonest we could get them was today. The smile on his face today was well worth putting up with the temper tantrum in Alabama, believe me.

He's in talking to "HIS" chickens, right now.

My daughter is 3 and has informed me MY new chicks are hers. When I tried to tell her they were MINE and her chick was outside, she put me in time out.

We've been rotating the chicks in and out of her lap all day. Thank god I've got 14 of 'em.

Thank you for the pics.

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