RIP Lora

Last year we lost two girls to the neighbor dog. As he was trying to leave with a third one he got a butt full of buckshot. The third one lived but she had a puncture wound on her side and it must have done some nerve damage cause she has lost some toes and she limps now.... Now the dog never steps foot on our property. Any other dogs that I see our ground I ping with the air rifle and shout at them, they all have gotten the right idea to stay away.
I gave my chickens bread too. I believe it makes them fat, like ducks. I made a youtube video of it even.
i lost a few chickens too, but I didn't have a cam then.


This is Lora. I adopted Lora April 8, 2011. I am so sad that my sweet little RIR is gone. This picture was taken the day before she disapeared.

We are pretty sure the neighbors dog got her, because we found a bunch of RIR feathers in the dogs laying spot, on the property line. Now my whole flock is being punished, because we are afraid to let them free range, until something is done about the dog. When told about the death, the neighbors response was, "my dog would'nt kill a chicken", and they refuse to keep her put up.

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