RIP Lucy

Thanks so much <3
My kids are already talking about getting some chicks- my daughter has a friend with 50+ chickens and constant supply of fertilised eggs. He offered her an incubater and eggs. They are so excited about rearing their own chicks from the start. BUT I'm terrified something will go wrong, or the other 3 hens will not accept them. At least I have separated the coop so it can be shut off. He has Wyandottes, Australorps, Leghorns & Isa Browns.

Would I be crazy to do this?

Talk to people on this site regarding quarantine and integration, especially with young’uns. I’ve found BYC to be a really friendly and supportive community.
Hi @kattfink, I’m so sorry to hear about your lovely Lucy. My oldest girl is Lucy too and I will be devastated when she goes. I have had chickens for not quite two years and already I’ve lost three. The most recent was my nine month-old Barred Rock Bessie and I cried for days. They’re not just chooks, they’re family members and their loss is painful. You are still learning, be kind to yourself and learn from your experiences so you build your knowledge and skill set. I wish I could have done more for Bessie, but there wasn’t really any more I could do. It didn’t stop me wishing though. Take care. :hugs
Thanks LozzyR Xx
It really helps hearing other peoples stories. Poor Bessie, and what a gorgeous name :)
If you're ok to rehome any cockerels or keep them, then definitely do a hatch! But maybe a small hatch? And get lots of advice. Things can go wrong and you might have to euthanise a malformed chick.

That's what I'm terrified of!!!
My kids are asking for 4... I'm not sure I can handle the heartbreak if anything goes wrong. I might be pushing for chicks that we know are girls ;-)
I’m so very sorry for your loss and you’re not alone. My chickens are my precious babies and it is so hard because they can be so fragile. I know exactly how you feel and I send my deepest condolences on losing your sweet Lucy :hit.

Wow, I'm blown away by the support of everyone here.
Thanks so much CalBickieMomma X
Hi @kattfink i’m sorry to hear of the passing of Lucy. Its so sad isn’t it. Please don’t feel guilty, we have all been there. I forgot to properly lock the gare and our dog got to our hens, he chewed the neck of our favourite and she was still alive. I will never forget it. They are sad thoughts to remember but we get through them by thinking of the happy thoughts. We had to put her to sleep ourselves which was really hard on my husband, but it had to be done. We felt “death” over that day. It was a horrible weekend. The fresh week started though and we got there. We have now adopted and bought 4 new hens and they make my day. We will never forget Raven, but we are also loving our new babies to look after (and I haven’t forgotten to check the gate is properly closed). Big hugs

Thanks chloeonz.
That would have been terrible :-( I'm so sorry you had to go through that.
Thankyou for your support and for sharing your sad experience :hugs
Wow, I'm blown away by the support of everyone here.
Thanks so much CalBickieMomma X

Most of us are here for support, so its nice to offer some to others or pass on info we have learned, or to say “we’ve been there”!
Not crazy to get some chicks, read up A LOT first, and you can always rehome roosters or give them away as meat. We had a go at rearing with a broody, we got 2 hens and 2 roos (who we found homes for). It was a great experience and the kids were enriched by the process of “life”. Not many kids get that opportunity here in the city. But getting some pullets is easier and there is still things to learn. The kids will enjoy either way i’m sure

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