RIP my sweet Sarah

Last week I had an attack on my flock as well. I lost 38 birds. My remaining 21 survived and are no longer in the threat of death. Except for one. She was found on the floor injured. I tried to save her, but she died last night. My last 20 will have some new sisters and brothers in May.

I often ask: Why has God done this? The answer: So you can learn.

What a horrible loss, I can't imagine going through that. So sorry! :hugs
So sorry to hear about Sarah; your photos showed both her amazing life and how much she was loved. She wasn't "just a chicken," that's obvious.

Bear with me for a few minutes while I provide a book quote that I find comforting.

"You go to a quantum physicist and you say, 'What creates the world?' And, he or she will say, 'Energy.' Well, describe energy. 'OK, it can never be created or destroyed, it always was, always has been, everything that ever existed always exists, it's moving into form, through form and out of form." You go to a theologian and ask the question, 'What created the Universe?' And, he or she will say, 'God.' OK, described God. 'Always was and always has been, never can be created or destroyed, all that ever was. always will be, always moving into form, through form and out of form.' You see, it's the same description, just different terminology."

My interpretation of that is that Sarah still exists in some form. Maybe it's in heaven, maybe it's somewhere else. But she's not really gone, and you will continue to love her wherever she is. You were blessed to have her in your life, and she was blessed to have you.

Thank you so much. That certainly helps to read that. I appreciate you for posting this!
Last week I had an attack on my flock as well. I lost 38 birds. My remaining 21 survived and are no longer in the threat of death. Except for one. She was found on the floor injured. I tried to save her, but she died last night. My last 20 will have some new sisters and brothers in May.

I often ask: Why has God done this? The answer: So you can learn.

I'm so sorry for your loss. At least we know now for future references and to better the life of our other animals. Learning is great, just losing them is what kills us.
@Lyndssxo08 I am truly sorry for your loss and RiP Sweet Sarah. I am not great with words in a loss like this but just know that you gave her a wonderful life and the fact she ran to have you pick her up and snuggle her just shows what she felt about you. That's a relationship we all would love to have. Thank you for loving her and giving her that life. Thank you for in her time of need, doing everything you could do... That's all anyone would ask for.

I hope you remember all the good times with her.
@Lyndssxo08 I am truly sorry for your loss and RiP Sweet Sarah. I am not great with words in a loss like this but just know that you gave her a wonderful life and the fact she ran to have you pick her up and snuggle her just shows what she felt about you. That's a relationship we all would love to have. Thank you for loving her and giving her that life. Thank you for in her time of need, doing everything you could do... That's all anyone would ask for.

I hope you remember all the good times with her.

You are too sweet - thank you for the post. She had a great life for sure and even though she only had 7 months with me, I wouldn't dare trade that time for the world.

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