RIP my sweet Sarah

Gawd what a sad story! I’m so sorry, I’m a chickens last moments they think not of how long their life was but of the quality and you should be proud you gave her the best life possible. My friend told this to me after we found my favourite chick dead and it is so true. I know your Pretty girl will have had a beautiful happy life.
So so so sorry again :hugs:hugs:hugs
How sad..:hit I'm very sorry for your loss(es)! It's never easy to lose a pet that you were so close with. I'm sure she enjoyed her life with you, and was very happy! I know it's an awful feeling to be without her, but also remember to be glad that you got to have her in your life. I'm sure you'll see her again one day :hugs
My rooster, Peep had something wrong with his legs. His legs would slide out to the side. We wrapped that horse wrap around his legs until he got use to it. But in the meantime, he wanted me right there day and night. He wouldn't go to sleep unless my hand was in his box so he could snuggle with it. He would crawl up on my feet when I would have pink and white socks on
and fall asleep. He followed me around everywhere. We brought in the hen that was a little blind and she helped to calm him down when he would back himself into a corner for some reason. She had problems with her eggs being to big for her body, so once in a while she would lay a soft egg and it would make her sick. Peep fell in love with her and one day, she had a really bad time laying and I guess the stress got to Peep and he died in the middle of the night of I guess a heart attack. He lived for almost two years. She survived and is fat and happy out in the chicken pen. She practically runs the place. I buried Peep with a pink and white sock that he always loved to cuddle up to.
My rooster, Peep had something wrong with his legs. His legs would slide out to the side. We wrapped that horse wrap around his legs until he got use to it. But in the meantime, he wanted me right there day and night. He wouldn't go to sleep unless my hand was in his box so he could snuggle with it. He would crawl up on my feet when I would have pink and white socks on View attachment 1663633 and fall asleep. He followed me around everywhere. We brought in the hen that was a little blind and she helped to calm him down when he would back himself into a corner for some reason. She had problems with her eggs being to big for her body, so once in a while she would lay a soft egg and it would make her sick. Peep fell in love with her and one day, she had a really bad time laying and I guess the stress got to Peep and he died in the middle of the night of I guess a heart attack. He lived for almost two years. She survived and is fat and happy out in the chicken pen. She practically runs the place. I buried Peep with a pink and white sock that he always loved to cuddle up to.
:hit:hugs :hugs
That's really sad, I'm sorry for your loss. That was a sweet gesture you made by burying him with his favorite sock.

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