Ripped Skin

This is why I ordered sutures to add to my chicken first aid. Thankfully my son-in-law can suture this kind of wound. We had a young cockerel get a big piece of his neck pecked opened and had to use regular needle and thread. Fortunately he is doing fine, but all I could think was no way this chick can survive with this big hole. And luckily we got to him right after it happened.

Yes, luckily you got right to it. We didn't know it happened until probably the following day, maybe two days. The skin had apparently shrunk, per the vet, so it couldn't be stitched, but I did manage to tie it up myself using generic dental floss and the finest needle possible. It helped. But she picked it out and so I tied the other side. Now I noticed yesterday, it is out, too but the flap has shrunken even further so it's not hanging anymore like it was initially, but rather all curled up. Seems to be curly inward. Not sure how it will end up when it's all healed. I think it was necessary to make the one stitch the one side. It's healing nicely on the 'meat' side. I will upload a pic from today.
Sweet Pea July 13.png
It's August 3rd, and the wound now looks like this, much better.
Not sure how this curled skin will end up but probably won't straight out. That is actually the flap of skin. Probably would've been better to cut the flap off. But I'm did not know how to do this. The skin was alive and she'd be in much pain if I tried. We clean it once a day w/the Chlorhexidine solution. This stuff is quite good. I highly recommend it. You just mix a small amount in a squirt bottle till the solution looks to be very light blue color. The pure stuff is solid bright blue. I saw it on Amazon in a small size. It will last a long time.

I do have betadine, and normally I use a solution of that, but the vet said its ok at first,
but long use would cause necrosis and it prevents healing. Dag, didn't know this! She said to trust her on that because this stuff is the standard for cleaning wounds and promoting healing of wound. By the looks of it, she's right.

Will update another pic at the end of the month. Hope this is helpful to anyone reading. :)

Thank you for the update. The wound looks very good, and glad to hear she is better. About the betadine, everything seems to be okay for awhile, but not helpful to use forever. Just reading about betadine, Neosporin, BluKote (gentian violet,) and hydrogen peroxide--all have some benefit, but used for long periods or in excess may be toxic or prevent healing.
Thank you for the update. The wound looks very good, and glad to hear she is better. About the betadine, everything seems to be okay for awhile, but not helpful to use forever. Just reading about betadine, Neosporin, BluKote (gentian violet,) and hydrogen peroxide--all have some benefit, but used for long periods or in excess may be toxic or prevent healing.

Yes, I feel that's absolutely correct. But if one needs to do long term cleaning, or anything this stuff is it. So thankful the vet gave me some. It will last a long time. I've hardly made a dent in one jar. So its very cost effective too.
I'm so glad she is healing up nicely for you!
Thanks for the update....I've been thinking about her, but had a hard time finding my way back to this thread.
I'm so glad she is healing up nicely for you!
Thanks for the update....I've been thinking about her, but had a hard time finding my way back to this thread.
Great, I'm glad you found it :) It was just as I was told, it should heal up well and the scab just forms over and turns into skin. It sure is. Was told to keep it clean and it would heal, and it did! LOL Thank you and all!

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