RIR 15 wks

The waddle below there beak would be twice as big compared to your other hen, you should see it better than we can in terms of the size if it was a rooster.
It's there but no where near as big and red as my similarly aged bantam!
Pullets never get pointed feathers, it's a male specific trait. Usually they mature faster and would get more signs, but unless it actually does not have pointed feathers, I believe I see, always mean cockerel. I have raised Rhode Island Reds myself and probably a good 30-40 cockerels of various breeds and I am pretty confident he's a boy and the feathers personally don't look wet to me. The OP can get another picture of the back though! 😊
All of her feathers seem to be rounded. I've looked at a few on her neck and back. Same also true for my LS (which people are also massively unsure about!). They look diamond shaped around the neck, but the black diamond is part of a white rounded feather
I’d guess pullet too, here’s my 13 week old RiR cockerel for comparison - bigger comb/wattle and lovely shiny green tail feathers coming in.

My pullet looks pretty similar to yours too (but she’s never sat still enough for a photo!)
pullet. at 15wks if she were a cockerel her comb and tail would be bigger/fuller
I’d guess pullet too, here’s my 13 week old RiR cockerel for comparison - bigger comb/wattle and lovely shiny green tail feathers coming in.

My pullet looks pretty similar to yours too (but she’s never sat still enough for a photo!)
Thanks all for your comments and advice :) Sophie, thanks for the pic. I can certainly see the difference... Fingers crossed
Good news! I managed to get better photos :)
It looks like a pullet to me!
She could be getting ready to lay, hence the comb change, but RIRs tend to start around 18-20 weeks :)
Looks like a cockerel to me.
I'm not sure about this one. Do you have any other cockerels?
Here’s an image I found on google of a RIR hen and a rooster, hope it helps!
View attachment 2291298
This one could really go either way.
Feathering is ruffled so it's difficult to see if there's any male plumage.
I will stick my vote on pullet, just based off the face, but there are some suspicious looking feathers.
A pekin bantam



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