RIR attacking us


Jul 8, 2017
New Orleans
My RIR has always been feisty, but lately she is especially mean to my kids. Whenever they are in the yard playing she runs up to them and pecks at their legs or back. It wasn't hard at first, but then she started leaving marks on them. I started locking her in the coop while my kids were playing. Then yesterday when I let her out and was holding a bag of mealworms she jumped up and pecked the side of my leg. I had blood dripping down my leg and she tore skin away. (this was through pants) She used to be my favorite and I used to laugh at how she was a little feisty, but now I'm kind of scared of her! Is there anything I can do to get her to calm down and stop pecking us? Is this normal?
I had a RIR that would peck me and draw blood, and she was a terrible bully to the other chickens.
Other BYC members have reported similar problems w this breed.
I will never get another RIR no matter how many people swear up and down that theirs was nice. I've had 8 other breeds and never experienced aggression in them.
I'd say crock pot for her before she hurts your kids. Or re-home her to someone who understands what they are getting.
I have had RIR roosters and hens. All roosters except 1 was viciously aggressive to everything and everyone. Never had an issue with hens. My hen is feisty, but she has never pecked me.

I know some people will pull a bully out of the flock so they lose their rank and dampers them (I've never done this, but I've also never needed to), some rehome, or put them in a pot.

Good luck
You can try subordinating her. This can be done by non abusive methods. Forcing her to the ground, scooping up in a short handled net and carrying around, squirting with a water gun, firmly tapping with a switch all MAY work. Kicking at or swatting at generally causes more aggressions. Solve it or get rid of her. Kids eyes can become a target when they are attacked. This is not a breed specific trait. I have had multitudes of RIR that were not the least bit aggressive.
Raising Cockerels
This is geared for male birds but the same principles mostly apply to hens. Just some food for thought.

She doesn't respect you and that has to change if you want the behaviour to stop.
Her behavior is escalating because it's been allowed due to not being put in check when it started. Hopefully you can reprogram her, if not get rid of her...and next time a bird starts showing that cute feisty behavior you'll recognize it for what it really is
I agree with @BantyChooks.
This advice is what @Beekissed does with aggressive roosters, should work with aggressive hens as well. Get a long thin stick, herd the bird away with it. Make a conscious effort to move her around. Feed the flock, but keep her away from the food until you decide to let her eat. Keep her off the roost until you decide she can go up. Intentionally walk toward her and prod her away. Come up behind her and prod her, keep her looking over her shoulder. You want her to be watching out for you, the alpha hen. She shouldn't be protecting the flock from the humans in the "extended family".
I agree with @BantyChooks.
This advice is what @Beekissed does with aggressive roosters, should work with aggressive hens as well. Get a long thin stick, herd the bird away with it. Make a conscious effort to move her around. Feed the flock, but keep her away from the food until you decide to let her eat. Keep her off the roost until you decide she can go up. Intentionally walk toward her and prod her away. Come up behind her and prod her, keep her looking over her shoulder. You want her to be watching out for you, the alpha hen. She shouldn't be protecting the flock from the humans in the "extended family".
Here's Bee's post.
Rooster Speak

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