RIR gender? 5/13 Updated pictures, please help me clear this up!


10 Years
Mar 23, 2009
Marysville Ohio
This is Little Red, aka Big red now as the rest are banties!!!! This RIR is 9+ weeks old and lays on the other banties at night (and Big red is younger!) Its really cute, and deffinatly the leader of the pack, they follow Big red everwhere, Big red follows us everywhere, now down to the question, we cant keep a rooster, PLEASE tell me this is a pullet!!?


any guesses? These are Big reds older kids, LOL, just tucks them right under and falls asleep!
FYI my hens have big combs.
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Im in the same boat as you missfitch. I have four RIR and one is growing its comb faster than the other three, but oddly it isnt the biggest either. My question is can sex be judged were the comb actually stops on the chicken's head or does the comb go up and then out ?

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