rir gender

That's a shame. The seller had a very good rating so I must have been unlucky, still hoping its a pullet though. I will post a picture of it when it's older so you can see how it turned out.
That's a shame. The seller had a very good rating so I must have been unlucky, still hoping its a pullet though. I will post a picture of it when it's older so you can see how it turned out.

Have you contacted the seller? I'd post a photo of this chick, pointing out the barring and white feathers and lack of single comb, and see what they say. You should get your money back if you paid for heritage RIR.
I only paid for rir eggs. I will wait to see what the adult bird looks like. If it looks close enough to a Rhode Island Red then I will be happy, but if it turns out to clearly be a cross that looks very little like a rir then I will contact them. If its a roo then I will be even more likely to.
Regardless of the breed then, can anyone make any more guesses on gender?
I'm with Fred's Hens, this isn't a RIR. And it doesn't matter that there are photos of "RIR chicks" on the internet that look just like this; I can find photos of "Ameraucana" hens all over the internet that look just like my EE hen, but that doesn't make her an Ameraucana. And it certainly isn't heritage; scroll past the first post on this thread to see a true heritage cockerel and pullet. https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/407294/the-heritage-rhode-island-red-site

The feather color is wrong, it has barring, and it has white tips on the feathers, and I don't think that's a true single comb. I would guess that this bird is a mix of a RIR with something else. It's unfortunately common for internet sellers to not be entirely truthful about their birds and/or not have good husbandry practices so that they know without a doubt the paternity of a given chick.

I think you may have to wait a few weeks on this one to get a better idea of the gender.
Agreed that is not a RIR. I just raised 10 of them from hatchlings and they looked nothing like that. I have a rooster as well and he looks nothing like this and neither do my hens...
Walkingonsunshine, what makes you think that the comb on this is not a true single comb? Interested as to how you can tell.
Walkingonsunshine, what makes you think that the comb on this is not a true single comb? Interested as to how you can tell.

Simply size. That comb seems awfully teeny-tiny to be a true RIR straight comb. Even as young as your bird is, I would expect to see some comb on it, although very small and pale in a pullet. However, I was just going by the photos that you posted, which don't show the comb well, and I certainly could be mistaken! If you'd like, post a straight-on, close-up, comb shot and we'll take a look.
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Thank you for explaining. I will post a few more close ups shortly to give you a better view.

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