rir start crowing


In the Brooder
6 Years
Feb 21, 2013
I have a RIR rooster that was born Oct 10 last year and just heard him try to crow for the first time today,has this been heard of ?Seems my Americana rooster is teaching him.
I agree with KatieBugg. My RIR rooster started crowing when he was 4 months old. Your rooster is at just the right age! Some roosters start growing earlier or later than others. It's the same as humans. Some young children learn to talk/walk at different ages

I bet your little roosters grow is adorable. When my 8 month old RIR started growing 4 months ago, it wasn't very good, but it sound cute! He wouldn't crow in front of me at first. It was almost like he was embarrassed. Now he likes to compete with his daddy over who has the best crow.
That's how my rooster started out. At first he could only get out the first part of a crow. The more he tried, the better he got. It takes time. Soon you will have an amazing crower!

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