
Apr 30, 2022
Can some one show me the difference between a Rhode Island Red pullet and a cockerel at about 9 weeks I have three and I’m pretty sure they are all pullets but maybe if I can see the difference I can tell what mine are

I appreciate y’all!
Can some one show me the difference between a Rhode Island Red pullet and a cockerel at about 9 weeks I have three and I’m pretty sure they are all pullets but maybe if I can see the difference I can tell what mine are
If they all look alike, they are probably all the same gender.
if no-one is crowing yet, they are probably not males.

Photos can be found in these threads:
This one shows a Rhode Island Red pullet, age 11-12 weeks
If yours have small combs and small wattles like her, you have pullets too.

This one has a Rhode Island Red cockerel, about 3 months old.
There is a second Rhode Island Red the same age, but the people responding could not agree on whether the second one was male or female.
As you can see, that cockerel has a comb & wattles that are much bigger and redder than the pullet in the other thread. Since yours are 9 weeks, they will not have quite that much comb and wattles if they are male-- but should still have quite a bit more than a female would.

These ones are only 5 weeks old, but the red combs on some of the males are very obvious. So these pictures might be a useful reference, even though they are not Rhode Island Reds.
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Wow! This was all really helpful. I really appreciate you taking the time out to respond and include pictures. It’s helpful to see and compare. As I am beginning to learn you won’t know for certain until they cock doodle doo or they’re laying eggs but it’s nice to have some idea. So thanks again so much!

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