RIRs, BOs and Polish?


May 1, 2019
My small flock consists of two buff orpingtons and two Rhode Island reds. Is it possible to successfully add a couple of Polish to my small flock or is it too likely that they will be picked on? Thanks for your thoughts!
I would not, especially if your set up is smaller. If you do decide to go ahead with it make sure you have a place in case they need to be separated out.
Size of your set up is key. There are people on here that successfully run a flock with both full size and bantam size birds. A lot depends on the birds themselves.

But IMO adding two much smaller birds to an established flock of full size birds is probably not going to go well. I think it will add a lot of tension in your flock, might wind up with an injured or dead little bird.

My birds are now 12 weeks old. Two buff orpingtons and two Rhode Island reds. They have a smallish coop in a 16x20 run/pen. At some point we are going to repurpose our shed and make it a big coop with a bigger pen. Maybe we will wait on the smaller birds and use the current set up for them and put the bigger birds in the big coop. Better way to go?
When raised in a mixed flock, Polish sometimes do well - sometimes not so well. When introduced to an established flock, the integration is generally rough and frequently unsuccessful. Generally their crests are targeted and plucked out.
RIRs, especially hatchery type 'production reds', tend to be very pushy, and feather picking individuals. polish have those cute topknots, and can't see all that well though them, and can be victimized, especially by older tougher birds.
Maybe it will work, and maybe not.

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