Rockette's first egg!

flock mommasan

6 Years
Dec 8, 2016
Central coast of California
FINALLY got my first egg. I've had my 7 girls for 16 weeks now -- they were somewhere between 6 and 10 weeks old when I got them. I've been waiting [im]patiently for the first egg. Rockette, my barred rock, was first in the nest. She's been a little ornery to a couple of other chickens lately and today she just started making really loud noises and going in and out of the nesting boxes. Couldn't seem to settle down. All the rest of the chicks steered clear but were all eyes. Finally I left for a while and when I came back she had join the crowd and voila! there was the egg!

Congratulations! That first egg is special (and the rest of them aren't bad either)
I got my first eggs yesterday too! The brown one is a store bought egg but the two blue ones are from my Aracauna mixed. Not sure which one laid them but I'm happy. They are just under 5 months


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