Rodney the Rooster


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 14, 2013
This is my silkie rooster Rodney. I get teased a lot because people think he is so ugly. He is a sweet boy and likes me and I think he is beautiful if not somewhat strangle looking. He doesn't have long fluffy feathers on his head but he does have beautiful blue ears. Do you think he could be some kind of mix? He was sold to me as a partridge but I don't think he is. Thoughts?

i dont know a lot about silkies but he looks full to me. and his color is blue, unless my eyes are failing me. he is a nice looking roo!
they are not dumb, they know who likes them and who dont. i can pick my sitting hens up but i was very suprised when the same hen attacked my cuz for walking too close
Anyone else want to weigh in? Will he grow those fabulous head feathers as he ages? He is about 8 months old.
He is not "well bred", he doesn't appear to have a vaulted skull, just crest feathers. He is beardless(unless that's just pecked out), has a red-ish comb, and doesn't appear to have feathered legs. If he is a cross, both parents had to have carried the silkied gene, as it is recessive. You cant breed a RIR and a silkie and get silkied chicks, you would have to breed the offspring together or to a silkie to get some silkied chicks.

this is a show quality silkie, meaning it very closely meets, or meets, the standard of the breed
picture from


(copied from another post here on BYC)
Vaulted Skulls are common in Silkies and in Polish, Silkie with skulls vaults are more open with less protection to the brain where as with a Polish skull vaults is fully or near fully enclosed skull vault. It stands to reason that this is due to this trait being in the Polish for much longer than other breeds that have a more "open" vault.
The skull vault (as in a Polish) gives more stability to the crest as well as shape, otherwise birds with large crests often have crests that flop over to one side or the other.

A - Is a Vaulted Skull.
B - Is a Non-vaulted Skull
He is not ugly.. I love his big red comb! He is beautiful! The people who call him ugly don't know they are talking about! Pretty boy!  

hahah, no one was calling him ugly, he just wouldnt be right for the fancy chicken shows

Correct, I was not implying that, I was just stating why he doesnt look like a purebred Silkie.
I like oriental games myself, which alot of people call mean and ugly, because of thier large size, upright stance, and defined brows. I think they look like dinosaurs.

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