Roo death match interrupted- can they get along?


Apr 16, 2022
East Tennessee
Hi all! I have 5 pullets approximately 7 months and 6.5 months old who are kept in a pen while coop is still being built. My neighbor’s large flock free ranges over to my yard daily and some have become very familiar. One especially sweet roo approximately 8 or 9 months old we call Boogie. He will eat from my hand and has been known to let me pick him up and hold him, but have not been consistent so he shies away mostly now. One of his cohorts, who we call Woogie, got into it with him today and I was sure they were going to kill each other. Once I saw blood I chased Woogie away and Boogie ran under our coop in progress. After some chores and finding a cat carrier I went back to find him breathing hard still and with droopy wings.
I lured him out with some feed and led him to my greenhouse to stay the night and he ate and seemed to be breathing better.
All that to say that I do not know what to do with him. He can’t stay in my greenhouse and I am afraid if I let him out they will just fight again or some of the other (TOO MANY!!) roosters will get into it as well. He put up a decent fight, but Woogie is bigger and they are all really fired up about the hens right now.

I don’t have A place to keep him up separately from my girls to introduce them although I would love to have him. Any behavioral advice? Do you think he would be ok with mine if he were slowly introduced somehow? They are in a 8 x 12 x 10h run, I just don’t know how I could keep him separated
This is Boogie before he got beat up. F144C115-A0C5-4D0C-A4FA-5BBE5BAC7DED.jpeg EDDB4C06-5F34-44A1-963A-229F13EEF50C.jpeg
Put him directly in with your girls. They have already done the introductions and there is nothing to quarantine. The girls will be in love by morning.

However, the roosters may still try and fight. Some will fight through a fence. Too many roosters can cause a lot of problems.
I agree with @NatJ definitely get the okay from the neighbor to keep him first. Neighbors are always nice until they're not or they thick you have taken something from them. If your neighbor randomly sees his rooster locked in your run he would be well within his rights to call the cops and depending what state you are in it would be considered livestock theft.
I would still talk with the neighbor, just to be sure it's clear. ("This rooster was hiding under my shed. Is it OK if I keep him?" might be all it takes.)
Yes, I will, we talk regularly. We have a good relationship and I did not mean to suggest I was just stealing his bird. He has about 40 birds that are just out everywhere. It is partially a culture difference
Put him directly in with your girls. They have already done the introductions and there is nothing to quarantine. The girls will be in love by morning.

However, the roosters may still try and fight. Some will fight through a fence. Too many roosters can cause a lot of problems.
The run is covered in hardware wire so they shouldn’t be able to get through. I didn’t even consider that they do talk to each other and the boys all come and admire them. My husband will be thrilled! He has asked me several times if Boogie could be our rooster😬.
I hope it works! Thank you!!
Yes! I have repeatedly told my neighbor there are too many roosters! His answer is “But they’re so sweet!” His young hens are traumatized right now. The older ones just accept it and move on but the young pullets are truly horrified by all the attention.
It really upsets me that people I don’t know feel it is ok to accuse me of stealing my neighbors birds, especially when I have already explained to others that I talk to my neighbor frequently and will continue to do so in this situation
Sometimes people don't read the whole thread before replying,
sometimes people are....<shrugs>.
It's public forum, moderation cannot eliminate all the 'bad' things.
Take the good advice, scroll by the rest.
The neighbor is a good one otherwise and is not the issue. He will not notice if I just keep him, it’s just I don’t have a good place to put him. Any suggestions on making a separate area in a small run?

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