Roo mounting Roo


14 Years
May 6, 2008
San Francisco Bay Area, EB
I have one little white speckled roo who seems to be getting picked on by his brother. I suspected problems then today I witnessed the white one being mounted by the other. Is this normal behavior? Is it a way the males show dominance? Is it because they are just coming of age, just starting to crow for instance.
They are 9+weeks old.

A rooster mounting a rooster???That is something I have never heard of...
Do you have any hens? The big brother may be mistaking the other rooster for a hen because he may not have seen a hen before...
If you have hens... I have nooo idea!!!
my roo will mount my cornish x's but hasn't tried yet with any of the other birds. I'm not sure why, he has 12 hens to choose from and doesn't even try to mount them.
There are plenty of hens in the sibling group but they might not be ready for this yet. That is why I was wondering if the males tended to mature earlier than the females in a clutch and that might be the reason. There are older hens but they are already spoken for, so to speak.
Thanks for any ideas on this. Im keeping a watchful eye as I suspect it is just a form of bullying.
If the males do not have a female they will mount other males. I found this out when I penned some males together for a week or so.
Maybe the females just aren't old enough yet so the boys don't realize that their girls?
To answer this question, yes the males start this behavior before the females are ready. In fact, none of my females have 'accepted' being mounted until they started to lay. (it happened, they just fought a bit. Now they just go "ok, get it over with" lol) Even though the boys were doing it for a month or so before they started to lay. Mine were all the same age too.
No fancy garb, no. But the little guy on the bottom had a bloody foot yesterday where one of his foot feathers appeared to have been damaged or pulled out. He was limping so I was a little worried about he being bullied. Ill keep an eye out.
Thanks to all for your input.

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