Roo or Hen?!?


6 Years
Feb 6, 2013
I have four 10 week old chickens. One Australorp and three Barred Rocks. One of the barred rocks has a big comb and wattles and all the rest are very small. They are all the same color in their barring (not whiter like a barred rock roo) and have the black down the front of their legs. I am curious if that one is a roo or not. She has also been making a loud sort of bwaaak sound that the others don't make. They are all supposed to be female, I purchased them from Meyer Hatchery. I'm hoping it's not a roo cause I live in a sub-division and won't be a

ble to keep it if it is. I would appreciate any advice on the subject from you...Thanks in advance!!!
thanks guys... that kind of sucks...puts me down from five chickens to three egg layers

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