Rookie chicken Papa

Raised in the city and visited the relatives in the country some as a youth.
Never helped with the livestock much. Moved out here not quite country but have some elbow room. Always wanted some chickens for the eggs. Bought 4 Leghorns and 3 Easter Eggers. 2 Eggers went to DIL. Appears I have 3 Roos. 1 Egger named Nugget and 2 I think are Japanese Bantam (not leghorns) Goldie and Omelet. Talk about a plan going wrong. I then bought 3 more chicks: Barred Rock - Loretta, Rhode Island Red - Stella, Easter egger - Amelia.
Built a pretty nice coop with attached run as we have red fox, coons, opossum and red shoulder/tailed hawks, bald eagles. I need to rehome at least the Egger as he starts crowing around 5 and goes till about 6:30 then quite a lot thruout the day.
:frow :celebrate :welcome
Welcome to BYC! I hope you enjoy the website. It is a bummer you didn't get the chickens you wanted and have to deal with re-homing cockerels so soon into the game, but it has happened to many in here, if that is any consolation. We have a re-homing forum that might be useful, and you can also try in your local thread in the members location forum. Good luck!
Raised in the city and visited the relatives in the country some as a youth.
Never helped with the livestock much. Moved out here not quite country but have some elbow room. Always wanted some chickens for the eggs. Bought 4 Leghorns and 3 Easter Eggers. 2 Eggers went to DIL. Appears I have 3 Roos. 1 Egger named Nugget and 2 I think are Japanese Bantam (not leghorns) Goldie and Omelet. Talk about a plan going wrong. I then bought 3 more chicks: Barred Rock - Loretta, Rhode Island Red - Stella, Easter egger - Amelia.
Built a pretty nice coop with attached run as we have red fox, coons, opossum and red shoulder/tailed hawks, bald eagles. I need to rehome at least the Egger as he starts crowing around 5 and goes till about 6:30 then quite a lot thruout the day.
Thank you all for the welcome and feedback as I will definitely need it.

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