Roos with an attitude contest! closed! results on 6th page!

name: Sandy
what does this chicken do that makes him/her have an attitude? Chase Squirrels
species: Supposedly EE, but not so sure what he is!

Here is him chasing a squirrel out of the yard:


Here is a close up so you can see how beautiful he is (he is looking up in a tree at a squirrel):

Kip (black bantam cochin) and Drumstick (aka STUPID... a mix from Lisa's backyard! whoops!)

Both think they're tough, but they are only tough through the fence. They've never met talon to talon!
Kip is actually tougher because he's killed four rats (that we know of).

lil' Okie :

Thanks, he was a discarded easter chick my mom found and gave to me. He started crowing this week, i couldn't stop laughing at him

how old is barney?​

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