Roost behaviour-anyone ever watched them?

Bea has literally made roost time a nightmare since she took over the head hen position. I put everybody to bed with the usual pushing and bickering no big deal in the morning Susan the lowest hen has a bloody nose and Bea's hen ego barely fits in the coop. Blew my mind they were so cute when I shut the door but not cute at all when I opened it. She's only been queen for a few days I'm hoping she will get over herself so everyone including myself can enjoy roost time.
I have watched them numerous times. Most has been from comfort of porch where they go up to roost on porch furniture or in trees nearby. Some has been watching them ascend and settle on roost in pens and it the typical chicken house setting. The default social groupings in typical use make for the noisier / more complicated roosting events each evening. The smaller and more natural harems make less noise and settle down far faster for the night. In the latter situations you can more easily pick out vocalizations associated with going to roost. Ideally no sounds are produced after dark. If you hear such then get your light onto situation and resolve it. Noisy chickens attract predators. Noisy chickens can also indicate predator has already found them.
I'm in the process of making 2 more perches to help settle the roosting drama.
From what I saw, I don't think that'll work. My girls could have spread out onto the new roost, yet they all performed the drama of pushing and selecting "their spot". Another thing I find/found interesting is how the "boss chook" isn't necessarily the biggest. My white sussex is HUGE, but she's obviously not in charge. When madam pushed in and pushed the girl off the end, Marcy moved over to let her do what she wanted.
Mine are almost ready to lay and still won't roost :he
I wouldn't worry about it, just let them do what they want. My "big girls" never used to roost in the other coop they were in before, but went straight on up in their new house. They used to sleep on the floor in the other house. I don't know why they didn't hop up on the roost in that house.
I'm not worried about it, more dissatisfied. :lau

When you build wonderful spacious 2X4 perches in the coop and several natural branch and 2X4 roosts in their spacious run and no one will go on any of them it's just like....:th

I wouldn't worry about it, just let them do what they want. My "big girls" never used to roost in the other coop they were in before, but went straight on up in their new house. They used to sleep on the floor in the other house. I don't know why they didn't hop up on the roost in that house.
Another thing I find/found interesting is how the "boss chook" isn't necessarily the biggest.

I think the Head Hen is about attitude. Some I suppose can be rule by power. My girl is probably one of the largest, but all she does is give "the look" and everyone seems to fall in line :D

This is her on a pleasant day - LOL

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