Rooster at 2 weeks? Help appreciated! *pics*


10 Years
Feb 3, 2009
Greensburg, Pa
I have 4 chicks that are 2 weeks old. One of them however, seems to be a week ahead in development. It's more feathered than its siblings and larger too.
The first time I got chicks they were all females so I don't know what to look for in young roos or at what age you can start telling the difference between the two.

Thought I'd see what the experts here might have to say :)


The one in the middle. See how the wings and back are more feathered?


a close up


siblings again
I should add, they're all easter eggers. Maybe that has something to do with it?

Last time around I had a variety of breeds but everyone developed similarly which is why I wasn't sure; thanks though.
My last batch of chicks all feathered at different rates. I had a few who turned out to be roos who were no bigger than the girls at that age. Most of the chicks that ended up being pullets feathered out first. I don't think you can predict gender by the feathering rate alone. But then again, I'm no expert.
It's only a general thing, not set in concrete or a RULE or anything like that, but - for the most part - my chick pullets usually developed their tail feathers before the roos did. Little cockerel chick tail feathers stayed wispy longer, as if holding off for the Big TailFeather growth. Like, not wasting energy on building tail feathers right away, 'cause that comb needed some of the early growth energy first.

Totally unscientific observation.

BUT, EEs are REALLY hard to sex early by feather and comb growth!
With EE's you are going to have to wait. By 8 weeks you can tell whether they are roosters or not. Keep an eye out for flashy coloring, that is one sign that indicates male.

Every breed is different in feathering, and granted you have all EE's, they are still a mixed breed. So different breeds can go into the mix.

Here's a chick that is feathering in at the same rate as all my other chicks, but at 1 week I can tell he's a boy. Here's how....................this stance is ALL BOY! He's slower than his daddy though, who was crowing at 4 days old.
In my experience the boys will feather slower and their wing feathers will come in then they will get a line of feathers down their back first then slowly feather out. They just overall look like teenage boys. Kinda gangly.

No offense to teenage boys everywhere.

Feathering out earlier could mean that chick is a bit older than the rest.

One good method of seeing if you might have a boy on your hands is to compare the feet and legs. Noticeably larger feet and thicker, even longer, legs often indicates you have a male.

Also behavior - is it bold, aggressive, bossy? If yes, it's a male.

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