rooster attacked my mother in law

Would it be mean to say, "Nice!"? Yep, I guess it would, so I won't.
My mother came over the other day with a friend to show our farm. The first thing she said when she stepped out of the car is, "smells like a barnyard". Well yeah, you're standing about 50 ft away from the cattle and chickens. Comments like that deserve a well placed cow patty in the path of travel.
Achickenwrangler#1 :

wow, I said, what did you do? Nothing, she husband said - she crowed at it...

roflmao!!!! Good for the roo! And good for your husband throwin' mama under the bus lol​
Achickenwrangler#1 :

Oh, sorry, no problem, just felt like sharing, maybe alittle on rooster behavior, and mother in laws. (maybe it was the bright white pants) ha ha, but I think it was just a good judge of character.

I love it! I wish I could train my roosters to do that!!!
Do you realize what a money maker you have there? I see it now, you traveling the country with the rooster renting him out to desperate husbands. I love it. I could have used that boy twice. He's a good judge of character I'd say. Well maybe not in your case but certainly in mine. That is funny as all getout.
my computor has been down for a little while (construction)
Yes, this is a special rooster, he really is the nicest thing, even as a chick, always calm, friendly, all the hens like him the best and he spends all day looking for treats and watching over them...and now, he has earned his place in the coup for the rest of his I couldn't sell him, he does have a brother however, that has some potential..(ha)..but that's another story.
Joe, if you spent one afternoon with her, you'd soon be in favor of poetic justice as well, trust me when I tell you, no one was concerned, and no one was really hurt...I do believe that God has a great sense of humour and has answered my prayers for this visit, and I'm thankful, really thankful to tears.
Now, I am thinking about hatching some of those eggs, I suppose they could easily be shipped, if it's genetic, you all have me thinking!!

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