Rooster Can't Stand Up, Shakes Head After Eating and Drinking


In the Brooder
Feb 5, 2020
I am hoping someone can help me with my bantam rooster, Rico. He hatched June 9, 2019. His father is a healthy, about 5 years old full-blood Rhode Island Red bantam and his mother is a healthy Frizzle who hatched July 2018. His parents do NOT share DNA. On January 1st we found Rico sitting on the ground outside with a hard crop and pale yellow loose stool on his bum. He would not stand. We brought him in and massaged his crop and gave him olive oil. His crop resolved within 3 days by olive oil and crop massages and withholding crumbles. When his crop resolved we began crumbles mixed with chick grit and apple cider vinegar in his water. Then we alternated Hydro Hen probiotics/electrolytes in his water. At this same time we did 5 days Corid mixed with water through a tube and 1 treatment Ivomec to deworm. His stools resolved from loose, pale yellow to what looked like normal. He never stopped eating and drinking although he was shaking his head after drinking so many sips in a row. His crop was also gurgling like human stomachs sound sometimes when you drink water and hear that weird, watery gurgle noise. However, about 1 week later his crow got weak. We began crushed B12, B6, B2, Selenium, E, Biotin, and Niacin. Just little, little amounts mixed in his food. He ate it all eagerly and seemed to gain a little weight. But still was not walking. On January 22 he began sounding like he had a respiratory infection and had a rattle and spinach-green, loose, putrid-smelling stool. We did a shot of Baytril for 4 days in a row, Friday the 22nd through Monday the 25th. The rattle and green stool resolved by the second shot and this morning, January 27 his crow was normal again. He has lost weight again and you can feel his breast bone. Still not walking, crop still gurgling, especially after drinking, and now he shakes his head/thrashes around after eating as well. No lice or mites, no injuries, nice red comb and wattles. He can scoot himself around, flap his wings and slap you with them, and kick his legs. If you touch his feet or legs he yanks them back and kicks them or curls them. His toes are straight unless you surprise him by touching his feet. His eyes are clear and he has lots of attitude. He is crowing great today and cackling/ complaining when you come in the room. He has been in our bathroom since January 1st with a heat lamp. I do not suspect Mareks or Newcastle. We had him in a bouncy "chicken sling" last week until his respiratory symptoms began. Last year I posted on here because we had a hen with similar issues last year who never walked again but stopped eating and passed away. Rico hasn't stopped eating and drinking although he is getting too thin. I am wondering if it is crop damage that is causing nutrients to not be absorbed and causing the head shaking/thrashing around. I am trying to get him well again and really hope he does not need to be put down. He is such a happy boy! Any insight is so appreciated. Thank you.
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It sounds like you are covering your bases. Shaking of the head can be response to ear mites, respiratory infection, sour crop or other crop inflammation or irritation, parasites, neurological diseases.
With the paralysis of the legs I would not be too quick to rule out Mareks. Best advice I csn give you is to take him to a vet.
Since this is potentially the 2nd case, if he should pass, consider having him necropsied to determine the exact cause of death to prevent future cases.

Best of luck. I hope he recovers.

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