rooster collars??

When I went to the No Crow Collar website they have chickens fighting on it! I would never buy one of them because of this. Check it out it is on there.
THEY did not put fighting roosters on their website. What you saw is from YouTube. No Crow Rooster Collars has no control over what the YouTube plug-in might show next to their video. It's a link and not on the website directly.
Oh yes it was to on there earlier today because me and my husband watched it in disbelief and it popped up after I pressed on the FAQs button !! Now I just went back to the site and it was not there. So I do not know what happened to it. But I will tell you one thing - I do not appreciate being called a liar - which is what you were insinuating.
Oh yes it was to on there earlier today because me and my husband watched it in disbelief and it popped up after I pressed on the FAQs button !! Now I just went back to the site and it was not there. So I do not know what happened to it. But I will tell you one thing - I do not appreciate being called a liar - which is what you were insinuating.

There is no video of cock fighting on No Crow's website. You are mistaken. On their FAQ page they have an embedded YouTube video. You can view the video and once the video has ended, a random selection of other videos appears. No Crow has no control over what videos randomly appear once theirs is viewed--that is completely controlled by YouTube. The random videos that appear are from different YouTube accounts and the selection is different every time. They are NOT No Crow videos. That is how you came to see a video about cock fighting as it is exactly what happened when I viewed the video on their site.
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Oh yes it was to on there earlier today because me and my husband watched it in disbelief and it popped up after I pressed on the FAQs button !! Now I just went back to the site and it was not there. So I do not know what happened to it. But I will tell you one thing - I do not appreciate being called a liar - which is what you were insinuating.
I'm not insinuating you are a liar and I'm not saying you didn't see the video. I'm saying you don't understand how the YouTube plugin works. TalkALittle has it right, it's random videos driven by YouTube. So it was NOT a video "on" the website as in put there by
I do not know how to reply to things on here correctly either, meaning whether to press Reply or Multi button.

It's okay. While I can't speak for kittybethaustin, I just wanted to make sure you knew where the video had come from. I hate to see anyone, be it an individual or a company, mistakenly accused of something they didn't do. It was an honest mistake, and like you, if I had thought a company even remotely endorsed cockfighting I would not want to purchase anything from them either.

As for how to reply to posts and which button to click..

If you want to reply to a particular post and include that post in yours so people know who you are replying to then click the "quote" button. You will see the other person's post in a grey box and you can type your reply below that and when you hit "submit" their post will appear as a quote with your comment below it. When I made this post I hit "quote" and that's how your response got included in mine.

If you want to quote from multiple other posts, click the "multi" button of each post that you want to have included as a quote. Nothing will happen until you click "reply" but when you do, all the posts that you clicked "multi" for will be quoted in your reply.

When you quote someone, you can always choose to keep only what you want of their quote by clicking on what they wrote and deleting or backspacing so only what you want to keep gets quoted in your final post. You can see that when I quoted you above I deleted all but one sentence of your quote.

The first time I tried to multi quote I screwed it up. It's easier the more you do it though.
It's okay. While I can't speak for kittybethaustin, I just wanted to make sure you knew where the video had come from. I hate to see anyone, be it an individual or a company, mistakenly accused of something they didn't do. It was an honest mistake, and like you, if I had thought a company even remotely endorsed cockfighting I would not want to purchase anything from them either.
TalkALittle, that was my concern as well. I did not want to see this company accused of something they didn't do. Honest mistake, but it could cause a lot of trouble if people thought they were promoting cock fighting. Which they most assuredly are not.
Okay - this is an old thread, but I have to reply anyway. All of this sounds a bit inhumane to me. Without knowing more, I would say this provides the owner and neighbors with peace and quiet and the roo with at least some pain, if not a lot of pain, some discomfort, if not a lot of discomfort and probably some mental anguish (however small of a brain he has). Perhaps you should find a new home for him instead?
Not a lot of demand for roosters. I did rehome a few last year but only because they were rare breeds. The collars can save their lives if they work. Last one I had the collar didn't work and nobody wanted him.
I have 2 roosters with collars on. While it does not silence them it does reduce the volume and the frequency of the crowing. Once in a while they try and back out of them. Usually when they get too big of a bite of food. I pick them up rub their neck and then they go about eating. It does not hinder them in their duties. Unfortunately one is becoming mean and probably will be leaving us soon.
He is beautiful and is a mutt but looks like a cream legbar blue welsummer cross.

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