Rooster comb turning purple/blue??? HELP

That's a little drastic since the condition can sometimes be quite temporary. My incredibly wonderful roo has had occasional purple comb (usually tip) issues through the years but is the absolute picture of good health now some 9 years after I first found him and began to care for him. He is also so very caring with any hens who have ever had the good fortune to know him.

2x jjthink, What if she'd culled him and look how much better he's doing now. [of course she wouldn't have known he'd get better because he would be dead] Not wanting you to be mad at me saladin but I am glad he's better!!
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I don't really need a warm coop at the moment. it's mid summer here and it's been 32 degrees celcius here for weeks now. We have summer rainfall so that's a bit of an issue at the moment. They are dry at night when they roost.

as for the culling, I have to agree, that was a bit harsh. I suppose for a serious farmer that kind of action is okay, and totally the right thing. for a pet who is adored, I would first exhaust all other options and if my beloved roo was suffering, only THEN would I even consider such a thing.

I can't imagine this property without that roo. he is the boss around here. without him there would be anarchy!!!!!


What a cutie and he is very pretty, too! Glad he's doing better. I have to agree with you,
unfortunately I get too close to them to cull when maybe it might be appropriate; I always
try every other avenue first.
I posed some pics on BYC and asked around. They tell me they look like silkie cross cochins. If you view my BYC page, I have photo's of each of my hens on there. The one behind madiba in this photo is Riri.

they are very small and have feathered feet. they all sisters, yet one has a red pea comb, one has a floppy red comb and one has the black face and comb (Riri).
Hey looked at your BYC page very nice. love you nest boxes. Very pretty chickens too. My daughters name is Wendy by the way. Happy to hear your roo is doing so good and by the looks of him he's the man!!! lol I have 1 game hen she looks like the wild chickens from the jungle. She is the reason I have chickens, but thats another story, Have a good one.
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thanks. I have two Old English Game hens and an Old English Game roo too. The OEG's babies just hatched yesterday. Will put some pics up of them on my BYC page soom. I love the little game birds. They are my 'toy Shickens" LOL

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