Rooster crowing


Sep 30, 2020
Hello Everyone.
I have two 5 month old buckeye roosters and one start crowing at 3 am.
Can anyone give me a advice on how to let him stop to crow during the night (if it's possible).
I will really appreciate for any advice.

Thank you
Be sure there is absolutely NO light that he can see, try to minimize any noises....this may or may not help. Best bet is to soundproof the coop as much as possible and keep him locked in until you want to hear him.
Be sure there is absolutely NO light that he can see, try to minimize any noises....this may or may not help. Best bet is to soundproof the coop as much as possible and keep him locked in until you want to hear him.
Thank you.
I have my back yard light on during the night. I will turned them off and try this way. Thank you
thats the way it is lol, and why alot of people dont keep them .. if he's 5 months its only going to get louder and more intolerable as he matures .. i saw a 'gadget' at thats some kind of a sock that goes over the roosters neck and he wears, thats supposed to reduce crowing .. never tried it .. but i'd like to ...
The crow collars don't work well in my experience. They are uncomfortable, and I was always worried they would become too tight as the birds grew. I felt they had to be on way too tight to even work and only slightly reduced the volume of the crow.
Yep.....sorry, but......
I am having the same problem with two of mine that hatched in July. They crow so early! It varies sometimes 2am (or before!!), sometimes 3 or 4, occasionally 5 or 6 thankfully but even then it usually starts earlier. Last night they did at like 1:30 but I THINK it was because I turned the bathroom light on. I went out to shut them up and lock them in and they were quiet until... 2 hours later. 🙄🙄🙄

One in particular also loves to crow during the day! He was just doing it and got my older cockerel involved in a crow off! I think if I culled the others then he would be quiet.

I don’t want to cull these two younger ones as they are the offspring of my late rooster who came from the first eggs I ever hatched and they’re gorgeous but I’ve been dealing with this for months and my parents and I are all sick of it and I’m sure the neighbors are too but they have been very kind not to complain.

After last night and the crow off just now, I am ready to butcher him TODAY but I also don’t want to butcher out of anger and if there is a chance to fix it or that it might stop on its own (I read sometimes it’s just adolescent hormones?) then I’ll take it but they are on very very thin ice.

I might butcher the loudest one and keep his brother. I do also have their two sisters so it’s not like I would be TOTALLY getting rid of Jack’s genes but it still makes me sad. Idk. Should I just suck it up and butcher them today or is there something I can do??? It makes me so sick thinking about culling my beautiful boys but I really think I have to 😭😭😭😭

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