Rooster doesn't groom / hens picking butt šŸ˜³


Aug 31, 2022
Ok y'all, hear me out.

I adopted a "2-3" year old rooster that's probably closer to 5-7 last year. He came to me clumsy, with huge spurs, scaly leg mites, regular mites, and difficulty in judging distances. He wouldn't perch and couldn't really run either.

I treated him with permethrin, leg dips and Vaseline, and after last fall's molt I daresay he looked pretty good! I don't see him dust much but he seemed happy and healthy.

Now I realize molt is coming again soon but he's looking REALLY rough, much worse than before it started last year. Wing and tailfeathers are completely unsmoothed, like he isn't even trying. Half his tail is missing. I keep seeing the hens PECKING AT his BUTT area. Upon examination, his preening gland looks like feathers are trying to grow out of it, oil has built up all around it, and dirt is stuck to everything just before his tailfeathers begin. His butt, just a little above the vent, is bare and red-looking with short blood filled pin feathers that are partially broken in spots.

I was thinking mites, for sure, but all I see is a little dirt near his vent; nothing moving, light or dark, and nothing like egg clusters visible. Are they just hiding really well? I'm not finding any on my girls! And I've seen them before so I thought I knew what to look for...

I'll try to get pictures tomorrow. Any advice on what to look for/how to keep the ladies from picking the poor guy while I work on whatever the problem is? If his preen gland really has feathers coming out, do I need to fix that somehow? I could get blu-kote and spray him for now, if that helps, just don't want to make anything worse for him.

Thanks in advance!
His butt, just a little above the vent, is bare and red-looking with short blood filled pin feathers that are partially broken in spots.

I'll try to get pictures tomorrow.
Photos would be helpful.

Sounds like the hens are plucking pin feathers out.

You may have to separate the rooster until he feathers in and see if the problem continues after that.

If the preening gland is clogged, gently apply a warm compress and try to clean it. Take photos of that too just to be sure it's not impacted or infected.
I agree with @Wyorp Rock that some photos would be helpful, especially of the butt and the preening gland.

I think you may be confusing mites with lice. Lice lay eggs on the feather shafts and live on dander and dry skin, while mites give birth to live young and usually hide out in the coop in crevices and come out at night to feed on the blood of the chickens. The presence of mites should be suspected if the butt feathers appear dirty. The way to tell is to inspect the coop at night and run a damp white cloth over the roosts to see if you get red smears, indicating mites.

Both can be treated with permethrin or spinosad.
As promised, some pictures (Rusty may never forgive the manhandling I had to do to get these, but it had to be done):

Hen-picked butt, above the vent and near where the main tailfeathers should be:


Vent for mite or lice evidence (I'll check the roosts tonight with the damp rag):


Nothing was crawling/moving as far as I could see but I realize that doesn't rule out a mites in the coop issue. Appreciate all the guidance.
What's his preening gland like?
A photo of all of him would be good too.

Yes, they are picking at the broken feathers and likely pulling and eating any pin feathers that emerge. Some roosters allow this for some reason. Likely it's because they are getting attention.

The ones that are broken won't be replaced until he molts.
You can try applying NuStock cream to the bare areas to see if that helps deter the hens from picking at him.

How does he act overall - does he seem active, eating/drinking o.k., happy?
What's his preening gland like?
A photo of all of him would be good too.

Yes, they are picking at the broken feathers and likely pulling and eating any pin feathers that emerge. Some roosters allow this for some reason. Likely it's because they are getting attention.

The ones that are broken won't be replaced until he molts.
You can try applying NuStock cream to the bare areas to see if that helps deter the hens from picking at him.

How does he act overall - does he seem active, eating/drinking o.k., happy?
Can't believe I forgot the preening gland! So sorry , doh. I'll get that tomorrow but here are more photos from today for context:

Cuddles/manhandling; he bit me really hard through my hoodie! He looks clear eyed and is alert/feisty.

He's noticably holding this one wing out a tiny, tiny bit more than the other side, but both can be extended without any hassle and he retucks them easily. Yes it's warm but not hot just now in the photo. I observed the same thing yesterday but was focused on his butt.

Other side for comparison.

He's crowing regularly, quite resentful of my handling, mating regularly, and I see him eat with the hens when they wander over throughout the day. Crop was present but not hugely full before bed. He doesn't feel skinny but I don't pick him up often, either. He does "goose step" when walking slowly, picking up his feet higher than they need to go as if he's afraid of tripping, but that's something he's done since I adopted him so I hadn't assigned it much significance yet.

Edit: Based on what I know of his behavior, he's happy and active, just on an old-man sort of level, and the only change I've noted was the deteriorating feather condition/hen's interest in his rear end.
He's a big pretty boy!

Since you'll have to man handle him and get bit again, let's see those legs/feet and spurs too.
Ok! I seem to always forget one part, so here's the preen gland and both feet. I'll try and get legs tomorrow:

Foot 1: He has a new bumble on the bottom of this one, and an ankle-lump which he already had when I got him last year. It isn't on the "sole" of the foot and has no bumble mark associated with it:



Side (ankle lump clearly visible):

Foot 2: Nothing of note. Both feet are vastly improved from his initial scaly leg mites but I'm thinking they might need another round of soaks and Vaseline. Easy enough to do once I've started bumble-work, I think...

Top view:


Preen gland (one from directly above, one a little to the side. It's hard to see for all the dirt, he really needs a bath or something...):


Sorry, I really should have thought to have wipes or something cause it's BARELY visible covered in that mud right in the center. The feathers I thought I was seeing are kind of just tiny tufts right at the tip and not very big.

I've learned that Rusty has special sounds for when I've really insulted his dignity. šŸ¤£ And while his gait is best described as "stumpy" he certainly can and does get a move on now when he sees me coming!

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