Rooster down......


6 Years
Sep 6, 2013
We have a rooster who is just laying....all of a sudden he acts like his legs aren't usable. This is very strange because yesterday he was fine. We just lost another rooster exactly like this and I don't know what the problem could be. I have used vaseline and coated his leg, which his foot is a little raw, like he's been pecked on a bit. Any suggestions??
How old is he? Do you know if he was vaccinated for Marek's disease as a chick? What are you feeding him? Do the pads of the feet look swollen/scabby at all (a sign of bumblefoot)?

Three possibilities that come to mind are Marek's Disease, a vitamin deficiency, or injury. Marek's disease is a common, viral disease that affects mainly birds that are unvaccinated and under a year of age. It causes paralysis and tumor growth, among other things. Unfortunately, Marek's is untreatable. All you can do is try to prevent it either through vaccination or breeding for resistance.

A vitamin deficiency is also possible. In case this is the problem, I would put some poultry vitamins in your rooster's drinking water and make sure you're offering him high quality, fresh feed. You could also try giving him a few drops of Polyvisol infant vitamins if you can't find any poultry vitamins.

Injury is another possible cause. Many injuries can be resolved through rest, supportive care, and as little stressing as possible. I would isolate (if you haven't already) your rooster in a clean, well bedded place. Put feed and water within easy reach, and don't give him a roost. If given some time, any leg injury (sprain, etc.) should heal.

Good luck!
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after reading about Mareks disease, it sounds like that's the you know is this disease indigenous only to birds....our little doxie came in contact with the chickens via my clothing.
after reading about Mareks disease, it sounds like that's the you know is this disease indigenous only to birds....our little doxie came in contact with the chickens via my clothing.
Don't worry, Marek's disease only affects birds. Your dog should be fine.
Do you vaccinate your birds? If so, how do you give them a shot and where do you get your vaccinations?
The 2 roosters (we didn't raise from babyhood) were probably about a year or so old. We do have others that we raised from egg on and I know they've never been vaccinated. Some we got from a local feed store (I don't know if they've been vaccinated either----if a chickens been vaccinated will it kill them if they are vaccinated again?)

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