Rooster fighting problem? Burn? Head looks like a big scab (resolved)

The skin on his head is hard, and I don't know of any troublemakers that would have been around. He can't move his eyelids because of the hard skin.

Edit: How else should I be caring for/feeding him?
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Maybe it's what Pop says... I don't know. Regardless, a coat of neosporin is definitely called for and separation. Poor baby! You also might want to get some eye ointment (terramycin if you have it) and put it in his eyes if he can't open/close them. Hubby says if it's a burn of some kind (chemical or fire) then the skin will shrink and probably leave open and raw spots. AND it would be extremely sensitive to touch. If it's a fire burn - you should be able to smell it. If indeed it's a roo issue - I know I'd have a roo in the freezer tonight....
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Put some antibiotic ointment on him, he's still in the house. He can't move his outer eyelids, but can still blink his inner ones. I'll look to see if we have any eye ointment.
The skin on his head is hard, and I don't know of any troublemakers that would have been around. He can't move his eyelids because of the hard skin.

Edit: How else should I be caring for/feeding him?

Happens all the time with young roosters, just like that. They get beat up by legs flying and don't need spurs to do that. Like I said, the head looks like a strawberry, then turns black as the blood dries and scabs. The eyes swell shut from the blows. Ever see a Rocky movie? Just like that. He will start to eat and drink in a few days. Good idea to pen him alone. Neosporin is OK without pain killer. Putting some petroleum jelly on is even better and it won't hurt his eyes. He'll be active in a week and the scabs should be gone in a month.........Pop
I changed the title to hopefully help others with similar problems. I'll keep him inside for the night and try to find another place for him to live. I would like to know if there is anyone who thinks that this is not from a rooster fight.

Thank you all for your help!!
You've given me some hope for him!
I am soooo glad I found this post. I found my grey silkie roo with all his head puff gone and it looked burned. Eyes shut. My white silkie roo I think has a ruptured eye. Uuuggg they are also fine together. But it's been in the 100's and I wonder if the heat got them frustrated with each other? I love my silkie Roos I am very upset
I have this happen any time my serama roosters get too much time with anyone other than another serama rooster. I'm housing a rooster that got the snot kicked out of him by one of my serama. They're so nice to people but man they do not like other roosters.

You'll want to use lots and lots of wet soft tissue and vet RX on his eyes so he can see to eat and drink. I keep the wet tissue on for about 5 minutes to loosen up the scab tissue, then I'll swab it with vet rx and then finish up with some antibiotic ointment around the top and bottom eye lid until it's soaked in. This will keep his eyes soft enough to open and eat/drink.

I know this is an old post, but it's good info.

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