I am currently running two rooster flocks. Birds centered on pup represented by 5 American Dominiques and 1 Missouri Dominique. A second group based on younger males is confined to a large pen in the barn. The guys below free-range around the house with a range that overlaps with a free-range game rooster and pullet. They have same ranges but are separate social units. Hotwire and extensive crowing of roosters in background repell the groups based in the yard. My rooster only groups are used to prepare ground for gardening next year. A night and about half the day they are confined to a 10 x 10 dog kennel that is periodically moved.

I am currently running two rooster flocks. Birds centered on pup represented by 5 American Dominiques and 1 Missouri Dominique. A second group based on younger males is confined to a large pen in the barn. The guys below free-range around the house with a range that overlaps with a free-range game rooster and pullet. They have same ranges but are separate social units. Hotwire and extensive crowing of roosters in background repell the groups based in the yard. My rooster only groups are used to prepare ground for gardening next year. A night and about half the day they are confined to a 10 x 10 dog kennel that is periodically moved.

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The setup is seasonal. I will be harvesting the dominiques soon. The arrangement would become unstable as photoperiod and temperature increase. The problem is not so much the dominiques will fight among themselves, rather they would want to disperse where they sex ratio favors females which is case with three flocks kept in barn.
Hi all! I've got 12 up-coming chicks, 6ish weeks old, 5 of which appear to be cockerels. I also have 7 seramas (2.5 months old), 5 are cockerels. My original flock is 5 buff orpington hens, 1 bantam roo (flock king), 1 RIR roo (very submissive). The seramas and chicks have thus far been raised together, and have formed their own subflock. Last week I integrated everyone together (into a 20x40 run with 2 coops), and things are going great. Probably helps that the young chicks have their own coop to sleep and hide in.
End game plans are to make the "chick coop" into a smaller run within the big run, to house the seramas separate.
My other coop/run (10x25ish) will be the rooster flock home/bachelor pad.
Right now, chicks are small, seem to be getting along. I've seen challenges happen, the worst being last night, when 2 seramas ganged up on my largest chick (who held his own, but I stepped in). How old do I need to separate the boys ? And they've met the adult roos, any ideas on what age would be best to put them together separate from the hens? My bantam roo is a little bully, so I'm worried about his aggression, or even him getting his butt kicked.
And last question, it goes against my original plans, but has anyone kept serama hens and normal hens together without issue?
Thanks ahead :)
In my experience 3-6 months is a good time frame to separate the cockerels from the hens. Your bantam roo will probably bully them a lot less once they're separate from the hens.

I haven't, though I've heard it can be done. Are any of your standard hens particularly aggressive towards other hens?
In February I posted I had 5 roosters which were cockerels living with very few hens
I just wanted to update that you can have lots of roosters living together with very few hens. As of now I have 12 roosters living with 14 hens not counting neighbors 2 roosters who sleep on top of coop and eat with my flock. My coop is 10x10 and the run is 50x40. I have a few ducks and a turkey and chicks age 2-4 months with flock also. so all together 51 birds not enough space. No fights. I’ve had situations where they all had to stay in coop all day 10x10 51 birds no fighting. Everyone has a rank including hens. The only fights I’ve had is if I separate anyone they will fence fight. Oh and older hens of high rank will beat up cockerels as they get bigger to keep there rank down.
The way my flock works is interesting because top 4 males mate with any hens. No other males are allowed to mate. Top 3 females stay with rank 1 male wherever he goes they are his. Rank 2 male is sheriff and body guard for rank 1 male. Rank 3 male is an old aracauna that I got with 3 hens and they are his girls only. They refuse to mate with anyone else. The lowest rank male don’t crow anymore and he also stopped mating. Last in coop at night and the likes. sleeps on the ground sometimes. I learn more and more each day on how things work in a flock. I see so many people having problems with roosters and just wanted to let it be known that there’s hope lol. I could have 12 roos with only 4 hens and there wouldn’t be an issue. I throw in random roos all the time with no fight or issues.I have never had a rooster come at me or attack in anyway either. My flock is not just one breed it’s all different breeds. This can’t be something I’ve done I think number 1 rooster can take the credit for it.
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I haven't, though I've heard it can be done. Are any of your standard hens particularly aggressive towards other hens?

They aren't, I've never had a bully problem. I've even seen my queen hen, Goldie, defend the other hens against rooster antics. Occasionally I see them peck the chicks, reminding who's boss, but nothing hard or meant to injure. So maybe theres hope ? Thanks for the advise :)

In February I posted I had 5 roosters which were cockerels living with very few hens
I just wanted to update that you can have lots of roosters living together with very few hens. As of now I have 12 roosters living with 14 hens not counting neighbors 2 roosters who sleep on top of coop and eat with my flock. My coop is 10x10 and the run is 50x40. I have a few ducks and a turkey and chicks age 2-4 months with flock also. so all together 51 birds not enough space. No fights. I’ve had situations where they all had to stay in coop all day 10x10 51 birds no fighting. Everyone has a rank including hens. The only fights I’ve had is if I separate anyone they will fence fight. Oh and older hens of high rank will beat up cockerels as they get bigger to keep there rank down.
The way my flock works is interesting because top 4 males mate with any hens. No other males are allowed to mate. Top 3 females stay with rank 1 male wherever he goes they are his. Rank 2 male is sheriff and body guard for rank 1 male. Rank 3 male is an old aracauna that I got with 3 hens and they are his girls only. They refuse to mate with anyone else. The lowest rank male don’t crow anymore and he also stopped mating. Last in coop at night and the likes. sleeps on the ground sometimes. I learn more and more each day on how things work in a flock. I see so many people having problems with roosters and just wanted to let it be known that there’s hope lol. I could have 12 roos with only 4 hens and there wouldn’t be an issue. I throw in random roos all the time with no fight or issues.I have never had a rooster come at me or attack in anyway either. My flock is not just one breed it’s all different breeds. This can’t be something I’ve done I think number 1 rooster can take the credit for it.
Wow! I'm impressed. It must have something to do with the personality of your top roo and hen. I originally had 6 hens with 1 stubborn, loud RIR and my bantam roo (two years ago), and they were merciless with my hens, in a 10×30 run with coop. Had to rehome the big guy. His offspring is now my second in command roo, and hes super gentle, only crows for danger, it's interesting to watch the flock dynamics.
In February I posted I had 5 roosters which were cockerels living with very few hens
I just wanted to update that you can have lots of roosters living together with very few hens. As of now I have 12 roosters living with 14 hens not counting neighbors 2 roosters who sleep on top of coop and eat with my flock. My coop is 10x10 and the run is 50x40. I have a few ducks and a turkey and chicks age 2-4 months with flock also. so all together 51 birds not enough space. No fights. I’ve had situations where they all had to stay in coop all day 10x10 51 birds no fighting. Everyone has a rank including hens. The only fights I’ve had is if I separate anyone they will fence fight. Oh and older hens of high rank will beat up cockerels as they get bigger to keep there rank down.
The way my flock works is interesting because top 4 males mate with any hens. No other males are allowed to mate. Top 3 females stay with rank 1 male wherever he goes they are his. Rank 2 male is sheriff and body guard for rank 1 male. Rank 3 male is an old aracauna that I got with 3 hens and they are his girls only. They refuse to mate with anyone else. The lowest rank male don’t crow anymore and he also stopped mating. Last in coop at night and the likes. sleeps on the ground sometimes. I learn more and more each day on how things work in a flock. I see so many people having problems with roosters and just wanted to let it be known that there’s hope lol. I could have 12 roos with only 4 hens and there wouldn’t be an issue. I throw in random roos all the time with no fight or issues.I have never had a rooster come at me or attack in anyway either. My flock is not just one breed it’s all different breeds. This can’t be something I’ve done I think number 1 rooster can take the credit for it.
Wow! What breeds are they? I eventually want to start a bantam breeding project to try and get chickens that can live together even with an equal hen to roo ratio.
They aren't, I've never had a bully problem. I've even seen my queen hen, Goldie, defend the other hens against rooster antics. Occasionally I see them peck the chicks, reminding who's boss, but nothing hard or meant to injure. So maybe theres hope ? Thanks for the advise :)
If your coop's big enough, they'll probably do fine together. You might want to introduce them slowly, just to be safe.

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