Rooster going after broody hen


10 Years
Jan 9, 2010
Ethel (my buff orpington) hatched out 10 chicks in a brooder box on one side of the coop. The flock free ranges during the day, but mama and chicks were kept in the run - I have barn cats and really did not want to lose a chick to one of the cats. The chicks are 4 weeks old, and I have been letting them outside for a while, supervised (because, you know, I am over protective like that). Twice now our young rooster has come over and mixed it up with Ethel - scarey as hell to see them throwing themselves at each other and the chicks running for cover.

The other hens don't mess with Ethel, but I have broken up the rooster and Ethel both times - should I just be letting them work it out? The rooster is young, just about 4 months and clearly does not seem to understand just who runs this flock....
I would remove him. A good roo will be protective of a mama with chicks. Maybe he will be better behaved when he grows ot of his "teenage" years.
I'd give her the chance to really kick his young butt. If it doesn't work out that way, remove him. I've never had a rooster bother a broody hen, mine haven't even approached then hen until she "weans" her chicks, usually 6 weeks.

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