rooster has rash on breast bone


Sep 14, 2018
east wenatchee
I went out to check on my birds this morning and I was doing as I do every morning and was checking them other and when I picked up my OEGB rooster I noticed that he had red,dry,peeling skin on his breastbone or what ever the bone is called that runs from the chest down between legs is called.what is causing this and how do I treat it?and I cannot take pictures right now because he is not very happy right now and I can try later
He may be resting or rubbing his keel against the roost. Check his feet and legs to make sure there is no bumblefoot or injuries that would make him favor a leg or foot. Some heavier birds do this, just because they are heavier. Wrapping the roost with something soft can help, a layer of foam covered in an old towel for example. If the skin is not broken then you can just apply some antiseptic, neosporin, coconut oil etc. If it continues to get worse it could become a breast blister, which would need more treatment.
because he is in a temporary pen at night,he doesn't have a roost,just soft bedding and he has no feathers along his breast bone because he is molting,could that also not be helping?and he has no other injuries,and he came from the fair and then my friend gave him to me in exchange for a duck,is it possible he picked something up?
If he's new to you then going over him well to check for lice or mites is a good idea. Molt could certainly contribute. If the bedding isn't deep enough it could be pressing on that area when he's sleeping. Also if the bedding isn't very dry and clean it could make it worse. Is it possible to set him up a small temporary roost? It would not have to be very large or very high, just enough to let him roost in a more normal manner and (hopefully) take the pressure off of that area.
either cedar or pine shavings with some straw mixed in.and I can try for a roosting pole and he does not have mites or lice.the skin on the area is bright red and peeling today,no worse or better
The oils in Cedar can be irritating, so maybe just use the pine and straw. Coconut oil is soothing, mildly antibacterial, and won't hurt anything, so if you have some of that rub it on the irritated area. A roost may be the best option to get the pressure off that area.

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